Where DO you carry......Where DONT you.......?



With the economy being as bad as it is, here in my county, the DA.is in the media everyday talking about closing the jail and not going after certain crimes.I finally obtained my CCW to take care of mine,if the need should occur.I was just wondering where do most of you who do carry,carry to?Where do you not carry?I plan on packing when I can(out of town on vacation,etc.)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-09 AT 08:32AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-09 AT 08:31?AM (MST)

I know a few people that have CCW's and personally I feel carrying a gun is asking for trouble simply because you may get in to a situation where you would use it and leaving yourself wide open to more trouble than you could EVER imagine.

I am all for people being able to protect themselves and their families especially in their homes but it always seems the bad guys end up with more rights and laws to protect them than the honest, hardworking taxpayers that abide by the law. I can appreciate why people want to carry a conceald weapon for protection and I think things might be different if we all could carry guns, I am all for it.

All I can say is be very careful as it one thing to have the CCW and carry a gun but it is quite another to use it as the stakes get very high if you ever pull it out...
That is a very final decision.
Carry anywhere you feel like (except sensitive areas). I mostly just leave it in the truck, but depends on where your going. And then rest assured you'll be safe and Model_70_Guy with his logic will be on the news and not you. Its each persons own responibility to protect themselves and there family. The cops only show up to write reports.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-09 AT 10:05AM (MST)[p]I carry everywhere I go, except for church (most of the time) and past the security checkpoint at the airport (but my gun's waiting for me when I get wherever I'm flying).

The chances of me ever needing to draw, let alone fire my gun in self defense is slim, but I could never live with myself knowing that I could have saved a family member but didn't because I didn't have the tools necessary. Bad guys have guns. And there are more and more bad guys around. The only thing that puts me on equal ground with a bad guy with a gun is having a gun of my own.

But carrying a gun is a very serious thing. I practice a lot (3 or 4 thousand rounds a year) and know my gun and shooting inside and out. I take safety very seriously and have more training and experience than any bad guy and more than most police officers.
I got mine mostly to be able to "legally" carry in my vehicle while traveling and also so I can carry a sidearm while archery hunting. I hardly ever carry "around town" just for the hell of it but I did once carry to a Jazz game just for kicks.

After 30 years in law enforcement, I will be the first to tell you that you can not always, read like most of the time, depend on a cop being close enough to protect you and your family.
Since you live in the central valley, high gang banger problems, you are going to need it more close to home then you may somewhere on vacation.
Some good advice. Make yourself familiar with the laws involving deadly force and when it is legal to pull the gun and use it. Also your main priorty is protecting yourself and family and not other citizens. If something occurs with other citizens, you may be best off just calling a cop to take care of them. May help you avoid legal problems later.

Well,RELH, I think it was you who in a past post said you were familiar with Trouts,and the ARMPIT of California, I just happened to be born and raised in that same armpit,and still live and work here....So you know the likes of which Im working with.Im just glad our sheriff still allows those who can pass the class still participate in the CCW program at all.Im just wondering where I shouldnt even attempt to carry. Leaving in my vehicle is not an option around here.Id hate to try to go to a ball game,museum,zoo,etc.and start a huge comotion trying to get in the gate. Having been a FF here for the last 10 yrs, I understand sometimes being in the wrong place at the wrong time,really does happen.
Ask yourself why you would carry and then what circumstances those reasons wouldn't apply. Know the laws and don't carry where you are prohibited. If your serious about self defense and defense of others, then carry everywhere else. You will find exceptions: swimming, working out, other sports, etc...

Know what grounds to use lethal force are. If your aren't willing to risk 25 to life, you probably shouldn't draw your weapon.

There are several good forums on the topic. One good one is: http://defensivecarry.com/
My wife and I went grocery shopping very early this morning because we are doing some work in our house. About 6:00am. Being of sound mind, I decided to stay in the truck and listen to the radio while my wife shopped :). She had been in there for about 15 minutes when a car pulled into the parking lot. There was one man and two women. One woman got out and went into the store. About three minutes later the other woman and the man went into the store. No big deal. About two minutes later, the man and woman were being escorted out by a store employee. The man was upset and looked very angry. They sat in their car for a few minutes and I could tell he was pissed. He then got out and started for the store. I put my pistol in my coat pocket and followed him. (My wife is still in there). I see my wife in the check out line behind the first woman who went into the store alone, so I go over to her. The first woman is causing a scene over the price of an item. I knew at that point that she was supposed to be diverting attention while the other woman and man were supposed to be shop lifting. Then two store employees again escorted the man out. Shortly all three got in their car and left.

You never know when or where something is going to happen. I love my handgun insurance policy.



If you invite me to your house for dinner, I will be packing when I enter your home. I carry all the time and no one is wise to it. If I would enter a church for Sunday services, you can bet your last dollar I will be packing due to recent events involving shootings inside the church.
As a LEO, it was required of me to intervene if I observed criminal behavior. As a citizen I am no longer under that obigation and it would have to be a very serious and dangeous sitution where I felt a citizen was in danger of death before I would intervene beyond calling for law enforcement.
I try to avoid places that will not allow me to carry, and if they do not have a metal scanner, they just do not know about the gun that is on me.
The reason for not getting involved in protecting unknown persons is cases where the victim you protected turns against you and backs up the aggressor due to it being a boyfriend or someone else they knew. I have seen that happen more then once.
Using good common sense should keep you out of trouble. As for your job, I knew several firemen that packed on the job due to going into unknown calls that turned sour on them. Mostly involving drug users that turn the medical aid call into a confrontation with the firemen that beat the cops to the call.
You are lucky to be living in a county that the sheriff still believes citizens have the right to self protection. You must be around Fresno or Tulare county as most counties south of Kern county are anti gun on CCW rights.
I hope you maintained a position of cover behind that man and the second woman in case that attempted shoplife turned into a armed robbery. Never give a Adam Henry any advantage if possible.
Good for you on protecting your own.

RELH, thank you. I am lacking in the training department. All I was thinking was that an irrate man was headed into the store, probably with bad intentions, and my wife was in there somewhere. I'm not sure I understand the position of cover thing. Would you care to elaborate, for my benefit as well as others who might be wondering?

>Carry anywhere you feel like (except
>sensitive areas). I mostly just
>leave it in the truck,
>but depends on where your
>going. And then rest assured
>you'll be safe and Model_70_Guy
>with his logic will be
>on the news and not
>you. Its each persons own
>responibility to protect themselves and
>there family. The cops only
>show up to write reports.


I didn't say I don't carry... Do something really stupid and put my family's life in danger and there will only be one side of the story.. period.

The point I was trying to make is a goddamn CCW is not a insurance policy that puts you above the laws that protect the criminals and I can promise you that if you use deadly force you ain't gonna believe what's going happen next.
And your right the cops will show up to write reports but you had damn well better be right or they will be doing more than writing reports... Your going for a ride.. and by the way "you" will be on the news.

I also know that if there is "any" other avenue of escaping the situation you had better take it ahead of deadly force. Trust me on that one. So I would not be to quick to "rest assured that you are safe" because loose your freedom because of some thug and you will end up in a place where you don't ever want to be and you will not be safe... ever.

Personally I feel we have the right to protect our family and ourselves and you cannot count on the cops to do it for us and like RELH nobody ever knows when I have mine, not even my wife.
Maybe this world would be a safer place if everyone was allowed to carry.. that way the bad guys wouldn't know who was and who wasn't packing... but that's not the way it is.

As I mentioned in my previous post.. once you pull the gun the stakes get very high and you had better be right. Make no mistake if there is another way to escape the situation and you do not use it the prosecutor will use that to convict you.
Dont think so? Try it.
when you followed him in, try to stay to his rear and keep some type of cover between you and him. Even if it is only a store display shelf. And observe him to figure out his intentions while acting as just another customer. do not let your actions alarm him or alert him to possible danger from you.
Have your gun ready to go, but still concealing it until he does sometime that indangers your wife or you. If he pulls a gun, to get you, he will have to turn around towards his rear, that is when he is bought and paid for if your gun is on him.
alot of things may come into play here, your judgement to act or play it low key based on what you see and hear. I would not engage him unless he placed my wife in a threating position or me. The best thing you have going for you when carrying a concealed weapon is SURPRISE!!! Keep that element to the last minute and let the surprise be your muzzle flash that he never saw coming if it requires you to act with deadly force based on his actions.

RELH, Thanks for the advice.My primary reason for my CCW is just like you stated,me and my families protection.I dont plan on butting into anyone elses buisness,outside my scope of training.Here in Kern,its against policy to carry a firearm on duty.Thanks again.
I don't feel the need to carry in too many places.

However, I will when I go to Flaming Gorge. I was about 20 miles South of Rock Springs. We stopped to talk to some people about the fishing. These guys looked like they had just got back from their "lab". We were not sure we were on the right road. Anyway, we asked them if we were headed in the right direction. They told us to turn around and head the other way.

I didn't really believe them, and the next vehicle we saw confirmed that. Anyway, we headed back and ran into them again; they were fishing. The guy immediately comes up to me and starts making excuses and gave us some more stories.

I didn't say much and wasn't going to argue. I am not sure
if he was on something or what.

Using a gun would be a last resort. However, being in the hills with a bunch of thugs doesn't excite me too much. Its nice to have some insurance.
I carry pretty much anywhere in public I go.. grocery store, mall, post office, etc.. the one time you need it and don't have itn't where I want to get caught.
I carry a Tazer and light up anyone that looks at me sideways, bi-polar, old ladies with pace makers go to the front of the line :)

Seriously though, the thing the
thing that has been impressed on me through classes taught by LEO and others is Situational Awareness. Try to stay out of the situation before deadly force is needed.

Ever pull up to a quick stop at one in the morning and just stroll right in for a big gulp and a couple microwave burritos ?

Whether you carry or not, be aware of what's happening around you. Eel seems to have this one down pat.

Someone had a quote, might have been from Cooper, I think goes like this : "Be kind, be courtious, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

That might seem extreme on the surface but understand that there are bad people among us that practice that exact philosophy.
RELH, I think I understand what you're trying to say. The idea is not to die for your wife. The idea is to get the other guy to die for your wife!:)


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