LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-11 AT 08:47AM (MST)[p]Is this a trick question? Unless the deer in your area have some kind of tunneling equipment, I would think so. However, some years ago I remember a story of airline pilots seeing deer way up on top of the continental divide, on the wind swept slopes, in the middle of the winter. Most deer move down to traditional winter ground, even without a lot of snow. The does move down and the bucks follow. Some deer obviously live low all year long. I also remember watching one of the older hunting shows made by Father Eastman. They had on film the same buck in two locations that was around 100 miles apart. This buck traveled that far within a few days. Just recently there was an elk that was tagged somewhere in the southwest corner of Wyoming and was killed by a hunter half way across the state. I can't remember the details but I will get it and post it up.