Where did you apply?



LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-06 AT 03:14PM (MST)[p]I applied for antelope in unit 45 in Wyoming for my son and I and I am also a Kansas resident with 7 prefference points so should draw antelope in Kansas too.

I got my third Nevada Antelope last year. In Nevada you have to sit out the next 5 years before you are eligible to apply again, but I have high hopes that my Dad will draw this year. We always put in for the NW part of the state, 5 choices.
For Speedgoats...Colorado unit 135 Buck, I have 5 PP (Resident) and I plan on purchasing a leftover buck and reduced doe fawn for wife, daughter and myself for WY in July, after the inital draw. I've killed quite a few Antelope in WY unit 45, Nice Buck.

McKinney aka Hiker
Proverbs 3:5-6
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-06 AT 10:18PM (MST)[p]Well my Montana Sheep, Goat and Moose applications are still classified information, but I bought an over the counter archery antelope tag and I am really looking forward to an early antelope hunt.
NM unit 52 muzzle loader hunt and two rifle hunts assorted units .....Have a brand new .243WSSM that I want to take if I draw one of the rifle hunts...
NMHUNTNUT1, I have a friend who purchased one of those .243WSSM last year. That is one HOT round. Let us know after you wack something with it.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Will do Hiker . Ask your friend if he's had much luck finding ammo . I don't reload , so I rely on manufactored rounds and have only found three bullets all from winchester , which are good , but would also like to try some others ...Thanks ...NMHUNTNUTT
I have seen some monsters come out of that unit 52 in NM. Good luck and keep us posted.

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