Where Did We Go Wrong?


"It is, therefore, a fact of law and of practical necessity that
individuals are responsible for their own personal safety, and
that of their loved ones. Police protection must be recognized
for what it is: only an auxiliary general deterrent."
-- Peter Alan Kasler

It seems like such a simple concept to have gotten so twisted. I look at the arguments for gun control and can only wonder where did we go wrong?...... Terry
Some of the anti's may have good intentions but their ideas are completely flawed. There have been a few anti's who have turned a 180 and supported gun rights but only after a tragedy occurred to make them see the benefits of right to carry. But very few of them see the light. Then there are the polititians and Hollywood elites who think only they should have the right to have bodyguards and self-defense methods, but you lowlife peasants shouldn't be allowed such a right. It really is unbelievable how common sense has gone to the wayside with this issue. The continued battle for gun rights is an ongoing war.

Are you aware that there is a U.S. supreme court decision that states law enforcement can not be held responsible for a individual's safety. If you are in a life and death sitution, that cop responding is not obligated to put his life in jeopardy in order to save you. Now you know why I am a big advocate of firearm's rights and the individual being able to protect themself and family.

P.S. Thank God most cops do not follow that decision and will put their lives at risk for a citizen.
Did you see today where NYC and San Francisco are trying to figure a way out of the latest Supreme Court decision? Unbelievable! They're talking about you can have a handgun but only if it's disassembled with a trigger lock in place at all times and only if you are in immediate fear of your life can you re-assemble and remove the trigger guard.

The anti gun people will never give up. They will keep at it until they can figure a way to go back to the Supreme Court for another decision. And it won't be 70 years from now either.

God grant every neighborhood a RELH!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-08 AT 04:05PM (MST)[p]"God grant every neighborhood a RELH". Thanks for the pat on the back Eel, but I would prefer "God grant every neighbor a gun with the training to use it, and the knowledge to know when to use it".

I wasn't aware there was a supreme court decision backing that. I just know it was a concept I was taught as a youngster and have always followed. I have always taken my personal safety and my families safety as my responsibility and have always considered the police the auxillary safety net. It's good to know we have cops like you out there who are willing to defend citizens at their own risk but when you look at the world we live in nothing provides peace of mind like my sidearm and the right to bear it....... Terry

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