Where are all the old MM members?


Very Active Member
Been a long time since I have been a regular here. I got to know those keyboard heros well. People like bobcatbess, triplek, timberhunter, cant remember his screen name but he lived on the islands. Im sure some of the old members remember the battle that the cat and I had. Also is there still the semi secret chat?
Some of the people I remember and miss

CoachHunt, that Man is a standup Guy.
When an old timer MM Member has served his purpose on the site founder made a "Out to Pasture" forum. It's locked to the younger guys. When founder see's its time the older members are banished to this forum never to post on the regular board again..By the way were's Eel been lately?
I'm still here (for now)

One thing about MM....if you leave for awhile it's kind of like missing a few episodes of Seinfeld. You missed it, and it's really hard to explain what happened.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Beanman says" Some of the people I remember and miss
CoachHunt, that Man is a standup Guy.

If memory serves me right, I think 5pointbuck dropped in last year and made a post and left.
CoachHunt was a great guy too.
Another one that I miss seeing here is "Cowboye" there was a real nice country farmer and hunter who took a MonsterMuley one season in COLO to win the MM contest for Muley of the year.
Lots of "old members" just went on to other places to fill in their time.
Lots of reasons I'm sure why a lot of them are no longer members or care to post anymore.

TripleK is live and well, posts some at times but being mom to three plus hubby, keeps her busy on FB...lol
Private chat room hears from her more than here.

>TripleK is live and well, posts
>some at times but being
>mom to three plus hubby,
>keeps her busy on FB...lol
>Private chat room hears from her
>more than here.
four! FOUR kids, Brian. The three K's and my daughter. Can't forget her. LOL

What's up, Abe? Bess is warmed up and ready for another brawl in Altamont and a night's stay in the greybar. Come see him. lol ;-)

>Some of the people I remember
>and miss
>CoachHunt, that Man is a standup

Hey Howdy,

I thought my ears were burning.... I'm still around, I've retired... which means I work harder than ever at a small college track team here in Texas, I just don't get PAID!

Thanks for the kind words. Some of us old codgers are still hunting and still watching and reading.

Have a good one, and shoot straight.

Hope I can get this dag nabbed thing to work!

Hey Howdy,

I thought my ears were burning.... I'm still around, I've retired... which means I work harder than ever at a small college track team here in Texas, I just don't get PAID!

Thanks for the kind words. Some of us old codgers are still hunting and still watching and reading.

Have a good one, and shoot straight.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-09 AT 03:15PM (MST)[p]I knew Coach was still out there; how are you my friend?

P-Dub, BuraNut, all those other ruffians that made a Campfire warm, friendly and slightly nutty.

Since I qualify as a MM original - who you callin' 'old'???!!

I miss the stories Cowboy told. Man, he has a gift!

I can't for the life of me remember the name of another one of the standup guys...rancher, lived in NM, got married and we all were happy for him....anyone?

This thread smells of formaldehyde. :) I do miss the old days when the good story tellers would come out around the holidays. Those were great.
Have'nt seen "littlefoot" around too much either......he used to post some great pics.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
For me it is


"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Browturd ... He may have gone into management
bobcatbess .. this website will never be the same
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-09 AT 06:01AM (MST)[p]Come to think of it, Fugitive has been MIA for quite awhile also. I know he is not that busy at the nuclear power plant. And where is Tag??? A guy gets a new girlfriend and next thing you know he doesn't have time for his buddies anymore.

Hello Predator, and yes that was canyonwell that we all miss. He started his own business and doesn't have the time to turn around and scratch anymore.

I miss:
Bura nut
P-dub aka potatowhisperer
phantom hunter

Most of these I have met personally! Nice folks!

Oh well, too much nostalgia for my neuralgia!

Hey Coach,
I'll forgive ya for forgetting me!!! I'm forgetable..Great to hear from you.

When I started visiting this site there were only 34 members.I miss Bura, P-dub, Wraith, Canyonwell, You, Pred, Hunt4lyf, Way too many to remember. I still have some of the stories that were told here at the campfire. Great memories thanks all.
I'm still here. Just don't post much. I'll always remember when P-Dub got most everybody's shorts in a wad. LOL Cedar
Howdy Kingfish,

Sorry Keith, I must have had one of those "senior" moments. How could I forget a fellow coach!!! Hope everything is well up your way.

Great memories from the original 34 still linger like wisps of mist in my memory too! Gee, it was easy to get P-dub angry! He really was a nice guy though.

Here's to all the newer members as well. May your time here be fun and fulfilling!

Those were fun days Coach. Hey, I'm headed for Montana Tomorrow morning with my hunting partners. This will be the first time for me in Montana usually we hunt Idaho but they are struggling with wolves and cranking up their nonres tags to much for my liking. I'll fill ya in when I get back.
Huntsonora...........banned by Founder

berto.....moved to Alaska and is doing fine, posts once in awhile with pictures of life in the cold north.

Back in the real old days, Venado and Coyote used to keep it pretty lively.

I do miss Cowboys stories too.
>How about Ransom? He still around?
LOL Yep. We'll never get rid of Overton. Everyone keeps him around so they can pretend to be his buddy so he'll take them to Kona. So far, only Lesgo, 1911 and D13er have been so lucky. ;-) lol
>I can read you know.

We know. That's why nobody said what they were really thinking.:)

Welcome back Ransom!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
PC, everybody knows you're drinking beer somewhere.:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
>Come to think of it, Fugitive
>has been MIA for quite
>awhile also. I know
>he is not that busy
>at the nuclear power plant.
> And where is Tag???
> A guy gets a
>new girlfriend and next thing
>you know he doesn't have
>time for his buddies anymore.

fugitive is still around 45. And no not busy at the power plant. Been busy with elk, deer, varmint, and quail hunts. Now I'm getting ready for a couple more deer hunts and a Javelina tag. Maybe I'll stop by the chat room in the next couple days.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
I would have to say some of the story tellers of the old days were the best,I Do miss those stories.

The number one guy that I miss is Rich and his famous hunt LOL.
Now that was along time ago.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I miss Cooter, Buranut and Littlefoot!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Moosie? Even though he shows up every once in a while

"Dont hate Da' Playa, Hate Da' Game" LOL

Also AndyManSavage! His dance scene of Founder and Bess is priceless. If anyone knows the link you gotta post it!!
Sorry, I forgot about the future Mr. Little Jeffie's wife.....now that will be a celebration to attend.

Wow! These names really take me back. Those stories that Wraith and Cowboy used to write were incredible!

And who was the guy who used to tell of his hunting prowess like he was the greatest in the world. That always made me laugh.

>hunterman67..........wonder if he is in the

If he's not it isn't because he's not trying.:)


Where is ChlorideRUS?

Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Yes!!! We were all so happy when he got hitched, and enjoyed his tales of spring calving. Made one appreciate the hard work that goes into the things we put on the table.
How about PhantomHunter. Once you got him, Wraith and Cowboy started, boy oh boy would the stories roll.....

Remember how we used to do the "Smell/Sounds of hunting", progressive posts, every Fall? That was so awesome.

Oh, and Rut...yep, gazebos still do it for me. ;0
Ransom....Shoot me a PM and let me know what the Cat did.


Predator!!!! I sent you a PM.

Who is going to start the NEXT "story"??????

Predator and Coach,
I am still around just don't post as much lately. Been a rough year in our family. The good Lord is starting to turn it around but I sure hope 2010 is better. Sure do miss some of the stories that used to be told here around the holidays. How about it Pred. Got any new stories?

Phantom Hunter
7 plus years ago I started frequenting this site. Been here almost every day since. Lately I just sit back and listen.
Hey Phantom! Oh, sure, I can start all kinds of stories....but they seem to get twisted up 'round the Campfire anymore....

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