When was the last time you pulled the trigger?


Long Time Member
Vanilla asked Bess. I thought it would be interesting so I stole it.

Elk-. Last year/rifle/MISS

Deer--4 years ago/muzzy/4point
This year bow release trigger-5x6 elk
This year muzzleloader trigger-27” 3x4 deer
This year rifle trigger-25” 5x5

My weakness is my inability to not pull the trigger. I love all aspects of the hunt but that very second of pulling the trigger is still the funnest moment of the hunt to me.
Tricky, you get to brag by mentioning three different methods! ?
Hey SS I guess I got it wrong the way the op started this thread I thought he ment for the seasons and I was was incorrect even posting that cause I did kill a few ducks last weekend oh heck that's wrong too since I killed a coyote Wednesday so I guess that's the real last time I pulled the trigger I'm glad you set me straight on that...so pleeease disregard my first post thank you
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That’s what she said…..

Hey SS I guess I got it wrong the way the op started this thread I thought he ment for the seasons and I was was incorrect even posting that cause I did kill a few ducks last weekend oh heck that's wrong too since I killed a coyote Wednesday so I guess that's the real last time I pulled the trigger I'm glad you set me straight on that...so pleeease disregard my first post thank you
Noted. Everyone please disregard yotedusters first post. ?‍⚖️
If "pull the trigger" actually means a trigger on a gun, the last animal I shot was in 2004. If a bow is included, August, 2021, Africa.
Last Sunday. Dead duck. I will be pulling one around 600 times tomorrow. CCW requalification time. He always has the steel set up and dueling tree. Good times.
Last time I pulled the trigger was on a Coyote in the Book Cliffs on 11/28/2021... used my uncle's .243. Shootin through sage brush. MISS ??
I spared my Utah muzzy deer tag this year, but punched my Wyoming deer tag in a 4 point or better unit.
Kinda fun putting my first notch in the new Bergara.
I pulled the trigger twice over there, once on a coyote, once on my buck.....both died.
I spared my Utah muzzy deer tag this year, but punched my Wyoming deer tag in a 4 point or better unit.
Kinda fun putting my first notch in the new Bergara.
I pulled the trigger twice over there, once on a coyote, once on my buck.....both died.
And we’ve never seen either? ?
We need to start a group.

That's all me and my youngest do late winter into August.

Rocky MTN Urasian pellet gunners?
Ha! And we can auction hunts on my uncles hog farm, big money hunt! I wish I would have gotten my FX years ago. Eurasians are fun but I have a vendetta against starlings—love blasting those nasty little suckers
So what was Bess's answer? 1975?

So that would mean he has not always been anti-hunting, but that would be a recent development. That would be news to me!

Hoss, you know bessy will never answer that question. It would be too revealing. He'd rather sit here and pizz and moan about how he wants to restrict hunting more and more until it is non-existent than actually go hunting.

Last time I pulled the trigger on a live animal was 11/11/21.
When was the last time you pulled the trigger on a dead animal? And why?

Sometimes I just pull out my strap and shoot the crap out of dead stuff on the side of the road, then take pictures with it and post it on the forums and Instagram so I look like I killed more animals. You got to get your street cred, ya know?

Just trying to differentiate between the responses above that talked about shooting at targets versus animals. But your question is fair!
Pulled the trigger once 10 days ago, dead deer. Christmas sausage. Now to give the shotgun a workout if we get some good weather????


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