When To Bugle and when to cow call??



hey guys ive been trying to gather as much info on here as i can about hunting elk because i am 19 years old and this will be my first elk hunt ive been pretty successful whitetail hunting in texas but dont know much about elk hunting. now i will be hunting the sargents area in northern new mexico and will be up there september 5th through the tenth and ive been told by the guy that is taking me up there that it will be to early for the good rut hunting but i am wanting to buy a bugle and a cow call and i was wondering if yall could help me with when to bugle and when to cow call and i realize that there wont be bulls charging in to a cow call or anything like that im just lookin for some helpful info for a novice..thank yall
It all depends on the Elk. Last year for me, Cow calls did nothing.
Bugle once to locate, move in quiet then one soft bugle at close range brought them in. The classic bugle back and forth as you move in just moved them off.
Get there early and figure out what they want.
thats wut the guy said we would have to do just get up there and find out but where were you huntin last year?
Go to elknut.com and pick up his videos and/or playbook. It will help you understand what/why the elk are saying, when they say it and what to respond with.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
+1 on elknuts video and tapes.
I use the bugle mostly to locate then I try to get as close as I can,I then cow call I go to a lonesome cow and calf call and maybe a small bull call I try and sound like what i think a spike would sound like.
after getting close to a herd, I move very little I wait for something to come and see what is happening it might not be the herd bull that shows up but a satelite bull but I'm good with that too.
with archery this work really good with a caller behind you and the caller can back off a little and make the bull thinks they are leaving and might follow trying to spot the cow.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
that depends on how good you are. I know a guy or two that can get within 50 yards of a big bull and let a bugle rip over and over again. then ive seen myself let one rip that sounds like a teenage boy talking "squeekie" and they head for the hills. But if you are good do what you want the elk will respond.

if you are using the hoochie mamma for get it.


Nets are for fish!!
Well, if you're from Texas you've probably Turkey hunted. Calling Elk is similar in many ways. First of all, no 2 are the same. What works for one won't for the next. You could easily run into a hot bull anywhere in Elk country on the 5 -10th of Sept. However, depending upon the weather, thats just a little early for the big boys to be really active yet. With some experience you'll learn to tell what kind of mood a bull is in by his bugling pattern, volume, etc... That said, as stated above, bugle to locate, then move in as close as possible and cow call softly is the best way to start IMO. Some times the best way to call in a bull is to call in the cows. Good luck ! let us know how you do.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-10 AT 12:11PM (MST)[p]+1 for bugle to locate then cow call.

I have had best luck just using a lost cow. My best scenario was using the lost cow, a couple cows and calves came looking for me. They were calling and called a bull right past me. I know that was lucky, but I have been lucky enough to do it a couple more times. That's the best pre rut strategy I have been able to come up with.

All i can tell you is the elk have their own way. You never know exactly what they will be liking. I rarely rip a bugle. And if i do i dont want it to sound like a big bull as it will drive lesser bulls away. So with a bugle just make it sound like a raghorn. Once located with that dont do it a whole bunch. From there switch to your call call. And make yourself sound like a hot cow waiting for some action. Pick the right calls. Go with Primos. Those are the easiest calls to learn and they sound the best. Bugle: Primos Terminator Cow Call: Primos Ivory plated Diaphram Call (mouth call). Practice many hours with both calls and experient with the sound. If you cant get the mouth call down just get the Primos Hoochie Mama.
Good Luck this ruttin' season!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-10 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]Educated elk, and publc land elk have been known to have PHD'S. They frequently run from a bugle unless things are going hot and heavy or it's very early or pretty late. I would use a bugle like many have mentioned but cow calls normally will bring them in more frequently. Just because you see them bugling on TV remember this, most video hunts are on private ranches during the rut with controlled access type hunts. Public land hunts can be a different animal entirely because there's usually more activity and 3-5 times more pressure. If you get them coming in and they're bugling then you can use a bugle more. If you're blowing it and then there's nothing take the hint and stop. Every hunts different but I've seen more hunters run elk off blowing a bugle than actually calling them in. Another thing if you find a bunch of elk, think of them as whitetail deer. Go after them in the morning and in the evening and let them go to their beds and ambush them when they come out. Pushing elk out of their bedding areas usually results in them running off from the pressure not always, but more often then not, that will be the case. If you find a bunch and don't push them too hard you may able to hunt them for a few days until success smiles upon you. Push them too hard and you may go awhile w/o seeing an elk. Everything in moderation unless you're fortunate enought to hunt them when the ruts going full force and then you may think all hells broke loose. Good luck enjoy yourself and watch the wind and have a great hunt. There's hardly a hunt out there that compares to an elk hunt when the ruts in full swing.
When I'm trying to get a herd bull to come in. I bugle once to find him. Then it's cow calls from there. If I get in on him and he's really hot but just won't come that little ways that you need him to. I try to sound like a few lost cows. Or if he's big try to sound like a little bull with cows. And the closer he get's try to make it sound like things are starting to brake up. As far as a little bull with cows. I had a bull last year at 100 yards but would not come out of the trees. I started to go crazy like my herd was braking up and he went nuts. Then when I started busting trees and raking the ground he came in like he was on fire. Ever seen the eyes of a bull when he's ready to fight? WOW! Play the elk see whats working.

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
wow guys thanks for all the info! ive seen many of yall talk about acting like a lost cow wut exactly is that? and could yall help me out on the type of bugle and cow call to get? ive been lookin at a Berry Thunder bugle and a primos cow call. but what do you guys prefer? and have yall used or know anybody that uses the thunder bugle? once again thanks for all the help guys!
Primos hoochie mamma, it has 3 different tones to it so you can use them to start. I pack 4 different cow calls for different situations. Hoochie, baby hoochie, one other just open reed call and a cow in heat call. The cow in heat one has run more elk off than anything but the first time I used it he came in on a string so I have to pack it.... I learned the different tones on the open reed from the hoochie so I could have more variations. I have the primos super pack bugle. Practice practice practice!

Hoochie Mamma, Single reed diaphragm call and the super pack bugle Is what I cary. If you get good enough you can sound like a whole herd.

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
as others have mentioned, i only bugle to locate, then primarily cow call from there until i get the bull in...if the bull hangs up i will throw out a squeeky bugle...

go to www.elknut.com and order his dvds and playbook...if you have any questions you can call him but be prepared with questions and ready to talk...he is a very nice guy, knowledgeable, and will reduce the learning curve by years, he is top notch...there are also calls available on his site, the best diaphragms hands down are rockie jacobsens calls (www.buglingbull.com, he also has a good external called the "who's your daddy", and a good grunt tube in the monarch...elknut has also developed his own bugles in the chuckler series...these work for me the best, ihave tried the terminator and some hunter specialties bugles/tubes and Rockie's and Paul's (Elknut) work the best for me...other good externals are the woodswise hyperhot, carltons fightin cow and estrus whine calls (these two are my favorite externals), i like the primos hot lips and hyper lip single...i do not recommend the hoochie mama or the carlton version of the squeeze me call because the sounds are the same and they are not very versatile when it comes to calling...therefore, to me they are junk...what you need to do during the offseason is buy different calls and see what works the best for you...i try many different calls, some i like, some are ok, some are junk, it allows me to figure out what i like best...given the short amount of time you have i do recommend the bugling bulls and beyond series by elknut and a few of the calls mentioned throughout this thread...

good luck...
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-10 AT 10:37PM (MST)[p]One hard-earned lesson that I seem to have to periodically relearn is to set up while calling where you can see your downwind side and to give them alittle time if they quit answering. Alot of times,particularly early in the season, they will come sneaking in quiet and circle downwind to find out who they are dealing with. This is a much more likely scenario to encounter than the classic hot bull running into the call.

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