When Summer finally arrives ....


Long Time Member
Keep an eye on the little ones ...This is a good reminder for us all... I shared the Link on my FaceBook page and I encourage everyone else who uses FB to do the same... I have personally saved two people from drowning and I can attest that both of them did not show the "hollywood" signs of a drowning victim ...



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Quit Saving them!!!

Its Darwins theory that you are messing with! If they are dumb enough not to watch out for themselves or their kids then they ought not survive!

Its not like Run-off is new this year...it kinda happens every year, we shouldn't have to remind ya....

LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-11 AT 06:07PM (MST)[p]I came to within a gnat's ass of drowning about five years ago.

While crossing a very fast moving river on a salmon fishing trip, I stepped off into deep a hole.
I had my 20lb gear bag over my shoulder, two rods in my hand and my felt wading shoes on.
I sunk like a rock.
With my eyes open and rapidly being swept downstream by the powerful current, I exhaled my last breath of life and truly thought the jig was up.
At the last possible moment before inhaling a fatal lung full of river water, I found a foothold and was able to get my face above water.
It's hard to relay the absolute desperation of that moment in words, but it was undoubtedly the most terrifying moment of my life.
Damn near drowned many Moons ago!

Thought I could Swim out & save a Gals Hat!

I got out to the Hat but was Damn near Exhausted!

Never thought a wet Hat could take me down but it damn near did!

Next Hat can Sink & I don't care if it is a Stetson!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Justr...we dont usually get drowning victims- they usually go straight to Primary Childrens...

>Damn near drowned many Moons ago!
>Thought I could Swim out &
>save a Gals Hat!
>I got out to the Hat
>but was Damn near Exhausted!
>Never thought a wet Hat could
>take me down but it
>damn near did!
>Next Hat can Sink & I
>don't care if it is
>a Stetson!

Jeezus B-Bop, Did you at least get any?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I jumped off a moving houseboat once wearing a pretty sundress....closest I ever came to drowning...saw my life flash before my eyes..yes I was drunk

Unless a family member, you probably run a higher risk of also drowning. Many drowning victims have also included the rescuers themselves. A very tough call.

Unless you are a highly skilled rescue type, you are likely going to drown, (regardless of being related to the initial victim) in a rescue attempt. And being one doesn't guarantee you won't, but that's what we do.

It gets a little personal when the lack of parenting, (or poor judgement in the case of adults needing being saved) costs the lives of rescuers. Especially....especially when its is a yearly event!!! snow melts...rivers get big, and yet folks take their kids for BBQ's "down by the river-

I said let them drown out of frustration, but I know I couldn't NOT go in after anyone.

Be safe. F'ing stay home and eat.!


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