When is it going to happen.



How long before trucks carrying fuel begin to be hijacked. When are people going to start robbing our vehicles gas tanks instead of the contents inside of the cab. This crossed my mind the other day and couldnt help but to go buy a locking gas cap. Would like to hear what you all thinks gonna happen.
It cost me $93+ to fill my half ton Chevy pickup. WAFJ!!!

No lock on the gas cap either. I wonder if that will change.
There was a report on the news here in Utah a while back about some thieves going into a trucking yard and stealing several hundred gallons of fuel by drilling a hole through the metal tanks.

I hope it never gets to that stage, but I keep having images of the movie Mad Max.....
its already happenin had a boat magically loose its fuel tanks contents ;-) still havent figured out where it disappeared to but i think a pedro in a green nissan knows
Google it, it HAS been going on for several years now, and escalating.

Went out & bought a locking cap for my Chevy several weeks ago.
I'm hearing about siphoning sprees quite a bit now that we broke the four dollar/gal mark.
I try to stay one step ahead of those lowlifes every chance I get now.
I'd chuck the locking gas cap...unless you want to patch the tank too....around here if they are locked they just drill a hole in the plastic tank

You gotta be careful about stealing gas now days. A tank of gas is getting up there in grand theft/felony status.

Some Darwin candidates got busted siphoning gas from a boat in nearby Clifton, Co. just a couple of weeks ago. The homeowner heard someone scream, saw flames, and then heard a car peal out. He called 911. Apparently the young Einsteins siphoned gas from his boat and couldn't tell how much room was left in their portable gas tank. One of them lit a match to check. The Sheriff found a burned coat that had been hastily discarded and then called Saint Mary's to check for burn victims. They got their man.

There is a logging operation going on near my house right now and they have their big portable diesel tank set up and left at night and on weekends unlocked and unattended (along with all their logging equipment with some amount of fuel in them). I thought to myself when I saw it last weekend that was pretty brave.
sportsman you know where i could said logging operation? haha jk well trial by fire a guess some ppl dont learn till it bites them in the a$$

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