When do i get the Ring?


Long Time Member
Early on, i was told by somebody that when i got 5000 posts, Founder would send me a Gold Ring with my choice of stone in it. :)

When and how do i get the ring?? Size 14, Elk ivory!

Man Joey you should see the 5000 post ring is just about the same size as a SuperBowl ring. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Elk ivory with a hunt to go with it!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-10 AT 05:45PM (MST)[p]Here is a sneak preview Joey. I've had mine for a couple years now. Thanks again Founder!


Edit: Founder is pretty busy these days. You may have to PM him and remind him!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-10 AT 05:46PM (MST)[p]Eel, that's a beaut!!

Founder, make mine in 18K yellow though, OK?

EDIT; Tagatractor, No kidding!! I remermber that well. Maybe Founder was running short of cash? :)

Ya he was probably short on cash so he made him start over with a new MO to throw people off of what really happened!

"founder i hear is lookin for someone to go "scoutin" with him"

No worries. Rugarm is a buddy, i wouldn't dream of cutting in on his action! :)

Justr, You got it! BTW, nice sig pic you have there! :)

"No worries. Rugarm is a buddy, i wouldn't dream of cutting in on his action!"

You mean Rugburn?:)

I think I'm in trouble now.

Thanks N_C, I'm headed to the hunt adventure challenge forum right now to see if there's an update. I'm enjoying your hunt right along with you!!

Joey I see how it is !! Bunch of funny guys tonight !! I am taking my ball and going home !!! Not really, LOL.

I have so many damn rings I can't keep track of them. Maybe I should open my own store?
>"founder i hear is lookin for
>someone to go "scoutin" with
>No worries. Rugarm is a buddy,
>i wouldn't dream of cutting
>in on his action! :)
>Justr, You got it! BTW, nice
>sig pic you have there!

Really??? Joey ya kill me!!!!
No Offense Rug!! Just going with the flow man, going with the flow! :)

I got to get some shut-eye! Getting up early for a little 4-5 day hunt! You guys take care!!!

>No Offense Rug!! Just going with
>the flow man, going with
>the flow! :)
>I got to get some shut-eye!
>Getting up early for a
>little 4-5 day hunt! You
>guys take care!!!

Good luck!!!
Joey - still wating on mine!

Actually reminds me of a story. My uncle once told me that if I could learn to hold 3 quarters in one hand between my thumb and forefinger, drop the middle one out and turn in around and put it back in between the other two (a poker chip trick) without dropping it using my hand or any other fingers, he would give me $100. Well I practiced and practiced and practiced for two years. Then finally one night around the campfire I happened to have 3 quarters in my pocket and pulled them out and began doing the trick very conspicuously so my uncle would be sure to notice. When I caught him looking at me I said casually - "You know, there once was this old boy who told me that if I could learn how to do this, he would give me $100" and then grinned and looked at him. He just nodded his head and looked back at me and said, "Yep, I know that old boy too - and let me tell you something - he is a liar!". The whole camp roared and the egg was on my face.

So Joey, I know that old boy who told you about the ring - and let me tell you - he is a liar!


Congrats on hanging around so long.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That was great Roy. Pretty cool uncle

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>That was great Roy. Pretty cool

Thanks Gator - he was the life of hunting camp for sure. Passed away a few years back and boy do we miss him! The really cool thing was that he lost his thumb in an accident on a drilling rig, only had a little stump but he could still do that trick - it was kind of his signature trick. That's why it made it so funny. Every word of that story is 100% true!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, I enjoyed how you chipped in a good story for a story. I and a good handful of others do the same on occasion, only wish more guys here would do so. Thanks!!


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