When a shed hunter marries.....


Long Time Member
Here's what happens to all your old sheds when you go on a honeymoon and leave your sister to decorate for your open house at home. Hey...I didn't drill any holes! Think Hadenshedhead will care? There WILL be elk antlers strewn all throughout the rest of the room for decor too. If he's not going to use them for anything else though why not???

Congrats Grizz!

This pic is from a friends recient reception, he borrowed my keepers to build the arch

Thats a fact!!!any woman that would let a guy have an antler arch at the reception is a keeper!
That looks pretty cool! Nice keepers, too, BTW. That pic reminds me of my wedding. Nuttin' like the good ol' Mormon church gym for a reception. LOL
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-06 AT 10:31AM (MST)[p]Good use of the bone there Jenn - you done yourself real proud! Heaven knows that you could use all that stuff out in the barn and decorate for a thousand weddings! Could you imagine how well that would have went over for my reception though!

He may get mad - but that's OK - he'll be allright and if not - OH WELL! OOOPSIE!

Hope you all have fun at the reception there in Vernal! Congrats Grizz!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
UTROY Prov 21:19 is one of my favorite scriptures!
Thanks made me laugh!

Time in the hills is always worth more than money

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