Wheels falling off the Clinton Express


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-08 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]It is amazing to me just how gullible and stupid these politicians think we are.

Now Hillary is using the "Rocky" concept in Pennsylvania. This is playing out like a class C porno flick. "Them dumb redneck steelworkers liked Rocky Balboa, especially when that big 'ol black guy was trying to beat him up."

Problem is, all Hillary and "Rocky" have in common is, that "Rocky" was a fictional character also.....

Whatever was the all time worst sitcom aired in the past, this has it beat hands down.

The "sniper fire" issue has no hint of going away and her big old butt is a major target right now.

I can't wait to see what she throws at Obama next.....she has to bury his credability with the Super Delegates, if she hopes to have a prayer. Meanwhile, Obama is doing a pretty good job of helping her.

I would be soooo embarressed to be a Democrat, right now.

Dem question of the day: "Where did John Edwards get off to anyhow?"..... "Must still be someone in this party with clean underwear"
Evidentally her funding is so low, Hillary has not been paying the health insurance premiums for her staff. Yet, under her proposed National Health Care plan, she said she would garnish the wages of us little folks if we didn't pay.

Hillary Clit-on (sp). What a joke. (We need spell check!:))

Love it! Love it! Love it! The dems going at each other and McCain laying low. The is too fun. The dems and the lib media don't go after themselves very often so enjoy it while you can! As I have stated at least 3 times on this site, as soon as the dems pick one of these socialist as their canidate, McCain better duck because the sh$t is going to fly.

Why would he say anything right now? No need, just watch the show with the rest of us.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!

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