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Long Time Member

I went out this evening to hunt as today was the opener for Ca. A Zone.As I was heading out to my spot, something very depressing caught my eye. Can you guess what it is?

Cant say ive done that, but ive chanced it on purpose when i was younger goin out with two arrows left. Hope ya werent as far from home as i hunt. Ouch, i can feel the frustration.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
I wasn't too far from my house but I was already a little late heading out there anyway. I just figured I'd glass and see what deer are around from a vantage point. I didn't even want to put myself in a situation where I may be tempted to take a shot I really shouldn't. I saw 5 does and a tiny little button buck. Overall, it was a good night. I just couldn't believe I forgot to change out the fieldtips.

When I'm out, I only carry 3 arrows anyway. I figure I'll only need one to do the trick. Maybe 2 if you miss one. That is all I've ever carried. I only hunt evenings and I'm only out about 2 hours. Deer don't start to move until about an hour before sundown where I'm hunting.

>You forgot the automatic cocker for
>that arrow flingin' gizmo....do I
>win a cookie??

LOL... thought something was missing...
What's really amazing is that a big P&Y buck didn't walk up to you and stand broadside at 30 yards.

Another thing that's amazing is you havwn't traded that POS Mathews in for a Bowtech.:)

j/k of course!

Come on Wiz, get your $&#@ together!

It is a mental block........you got to thinkin' about all that Poison Oak you might have to crawl thru to recover your buck!....LOL
HaHa...Funny guys. I love my Mathews except for that it seems to not attract any deer!! Seriously, it is a little heavier than I was planning but that is the way it goes.

Nickman- The poison oak is still only in the one area on my forearm which is a good thing. I've been putting the rubbing alcohol on it and we'll see how long it takes to go away. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and realized I was scratching it...so it is making its presence felt. That was one of Gods screw ups while making everything else! What purpose does it serve?


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