What's wrong with this pic???


Very Active Member

Why is it that some people just don't f@$%ing get it!???
I've changed my mind, I'm with Bessy...I think we should have a "tune on site" for losers like these!


Is what gets me is they went right through the gate in one place...There was a lock on the chain. Could this have been the DWR? There is also a house right next to the gate with wheeler tracks that go right to the house?
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They gotta get those two point shed horns!

If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
Wow, I didn't even think you could get through the fence there. Hope it's the DWR doing counts or something.
The tracks in the photos are from DWR personnel. We were doing some kochia seeding on top of the snow in areas where we placed troughs last summer. Kochia is a drought-resistant forage crop that can germinate and grow at any time in the growing season. Our Central Region Habitat Manager was very grateful to hear that sharp-eyed MM posters are watching out for this type of activity. He asked me to pass along the explanation and his thanks!

Amy Canning
Communications Specialist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Why would you be spreading seed over the snow?...Especially since that snow is as hard as concrete? Doesn't most of that seed blow away? I also didn't see any boot tracks. Did they only spread seed on the roads? Isn't kochia mostly for sheep and cattle? I'm just a bit confused.

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LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-11 AT 08:38AM (MST)[p]Amy,

Please tell me that you are spreading Kochia prostrata and not Kochia scoparia seed? That's a big detail to be vague about.
I followed up with our regional habitat manager to get a few more details. Here was his response:

"We were planting Forage Kochia. It is not the common weed people know (Kochia scoparia). Forage Kochia is a valuable subshrub that is very competitive and provides high-protein forage for big game and livestock. The seed is very small and is most successful when placed on top of snow. The seed moves down to the soil when the snow melts and makes soil contact. The seed was placed with an ATV seed spreader on some denuded areas where cattle were watered last spring."

I hope this addresses your concerns.

Amy Canning
Communications Specialist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Amy, thanks for the explanation and update. Its pretty cool that you came on this website to explain what is going on. Many of us appreciate that you went out of your way to do this but be prepared to be questioned extinsifly and even hammered with negative comments from time to time. But always remember that most of us are in your corner. fatrooster.
Thanks Amy. It was good of you to come on and let us know.

Great explanation, I would not expect anything less from a Communications Specialist.
Thx Amy it's good to hear it wasn't some bonehead shed hunters. I think your manager owes you lunch...I'm sure he knew what kind of crowd we are on MM, so he sent you to do the dirty work!lol
We could use your point of view on here more often. Stick around and keep some thick skin.:)

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>Many of us appreciate
>that you went out of
>your way to do this
>but be prepared to be
>questioned extinsifly and even hammered
>with negative comments from time
>to time. But always remember
>that most of us are
>in your corner.

Thanks for the welcome and warning! :) I've visited this site over the past couple of years and seen some pretty heated discussions. I'll probably chime in if I can shed light on a particular topic (like this one). I work on the DWR's hunting and fishing guidebooks, the website, brochures, fact sheets and some media efforts. Right now, a couple of us are working on the [a href="http://wildlife.utah.gov/dwr/learn-more/mule-deer.html"]mule deer portion of the DWR website[/a]. We'll be adding content over the upcoming weeks and months, so please stop by every once in a while and check it out.
>We could use your point of
>view on here more often.
>Stick around and keep some
>thick skin.:)

Thanks, HorseCreek! :)
I don't know where to by seed, but I would like to see Amy's collection of bone if she were the one to go in on the ATV and spread the seed. Do you have any as they lay pics?
Blegit, whoever rode in there for the dwr couldn't have picked any antlers up....There needs to be bucks for that to happen.

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>not to many bullet holes. in
>idapoe they would be shreaded...

The funny irony is that I moved from Utah to Idaho in 2005, and the road signs in Utah have 10 times as many bullet holes as Idaho. Utards win, the signs give up!
Always amazes me when the TARDS shoot at signs!

Especially when they are 20 yards away shootin a big yeller sign with a deer on it,ain't never any holes through the deer!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

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