whats wrong with some people



LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-09 AT 08:57PM (MST)[p]I was watching some elk in an area last week 3 cows and a small bull, the area is ideal elk country, I stumbled unto it thinking this is great looking country and as I was going thru it looking for deer I saw the elk bedded, they were not spooked as I passed thru.

sat morn opener of the coastal elk rifle we go back to take a look see, there was fresh snow, we got to about a 1/4 mile from the spot and got out to se if they were still in the area low and behold there are two trucks parked right where we saw the elk bedded?????

Now, they had to have known the elk where there, how else to explain it, but did they have to park right in the middle of their bedding area, its acts like that make me scratch my head.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, I'm just mad cause they beat us to the spot, No I wasn't, but did they have to be so stupid and drive the elk outta the area?.... I doubt they got into them......I guess what else can you expect on public ground
Coastal elk don't go far. I'll bet they were still in earshot.

I've picked an apple and took a bite and then threw it on the ground in a orchard and then watched a bull come out and eat the same apple.
Its the same reason that people set up a big camp in a clear cut they are not hunters they are just enjoying nature and probably have never scouted until they looked for a camping spot. I have seen what your talking way too many times to make sense of it?

If there is any proof of a man in a hunt it is not whether he killed a deer or elk but how he hunted it.
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