What's on my shoe?


Long Time Member
Might be his bi-product but then again, if like on our place when i's a kid, might be the Rooster!

My Grandma raised a White Leghorn Rooster from a chick. He got to thinking that anybody around that stuck his foot out and wiggled it back and forth, was there to his advantage. Strangers just didn't know how to act when that pretty rooster would run on over and jump on their boot to make passionate love to.

Old Bert was his name. He provided lots of laughs and lived to a good old age.

We had one that would try to kick your butt when ever it thought it had an advantage. He come running over to me one day just as I release my shorthair pointer on the place what a hoot. That pointer tracked and pointed and relocated and pointed till the rooster took to hiding in a irigation pipe. Too bad I didn't have the lab I have today it would have been game over pretty quick i think.
Actual footage of WhiskeySh&ts live birth.


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