Whats Nxt For the Democratic Machine

The video clip doesn't seem to be working.
If anyone can get it working, it is very interesting.
The video clip talks about Trump being sentenced to house arrest and the democrats pushing more unrest not only on the home front but abroad.
I would agree that the dems have something up there sleeve.
I personally believe what happens next is going to shake America to its core.
Remember, there was a reason Obama went and met with most of America's allies a couple of months ago.
I watched the debate and this is my summary:

Trump was the same old Trump. No surprises there, just what we have come to expect.

Biden could not form an clear argument, keep track of numbers or facts very well, and mumbled a lot. There were times I had no idea what he said, let alone what he was trying to convey. This was particularly noticeable in the first half of the debate.

Conclusion: If I’m running the Democratic Party, I’m either pulling Biden off the ticket ASAP…or, at least putting someone reputable on the ticket in the V.P. slot. I don’t think Biden/Harris is going to cut it in November.
The D machine lost a ton of credibility.
The leadership has been talking about how with it and spry Joe is. Now the country and world saw. Imagine what those people see daily behind closed doors.

They have another problem. The chaotic event like BLM riots are coming. Problem is, they are coming to the D convention. Israel is still at war. With Biden it was bound to be a circus. An open convention? Mass pandemonium. They can't start the racial crap because they have zero intention of promoting Kamala.

China blockades Taiwan, is what I see coming. The US hasn't been this weak since pre WW1. We are now past party issues. We now have national issues.
The D machine lost a ton of credibility.
The leadership has been talking about how with it and spry Joe is. Now the country and world saw. Imagine what those people see daily behind closed doors.

They have another problem. The chaotic event like BLM riots are coming. Problem is, they are coming to the D convention. Israel is still at war. With Biden it was bound to be a circus. An open convention? Mass pandemonium. They can't start the racial crap because they have zero intention of promoting Kamala.

China blockades Taiwan, is what I see coming. The US hasn't been this weak since pre WW1. We are now past party issues. We now have national issues.
Hoss, This is spot on
I think CNN set the whole thing up. The liberal moderators just asked normal questions which made me suspicious from the start. I don't think that was an accident or done out of fairness. I think they knew Joe would hang himself.
Wait a minute. The leader of the free world, the guy who got tough with the Ukranian who threatened Hunter's "job" is intimidated and turns into a blubbering idiot in front of Trump in public? Then that should disqualify Biden immediately.
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I have said it before, Jill Biden is another Hillary Clinton and both will sell their soul to hang on to the power of being the first lady. Hillary attacked the women that accused her husband of sexual misconduct fearing it would get him impeached and her losing the position of first lady. Jill Biden appears to be the same the way she promotes Joe when he is a walking zombie for all to see.

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