Whats next?????


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I saw this story on the news last night. Kind of makes you want to find the person who sent it.

Today we spoke to a woman named Jamie who received the e-mail over the weekend. "There are people who are going to read this who might believe it, and that's not right. That's just not right," she said.
Jamie Jamie thought it was just another money scam. "But then it said that they're going to come and kill me, and I was like, ?Oh my gosh!' she said.
In the e-mail, the self-described "hit man" says: "My duty as I am mailing you now is just to kill/assassinate you." It goes on to say: "Now, do you want to live or die? As someone has paid us to kill you, get back to me now if you are ready to pay some fees to spare your life."
"It hits a little more closer to home, because it's not every day you get an e-mail saying, 'Here I am. I've been hired to kill you,'" said FBI Special Agent Greg Bretzing.
FBI Special Agent Greg Bretzing Bretzing says this type of e-mail is one of the newer scams. It preys on people's fear, and while most people can laugh it off, Bretzing says the elderly and people new to the Internet are prone to falling for it.
"The worst thing to do is to get in any kind of contact with any of these people, to give them any personal information or any kind of financial or bank information," Bretzing said.
Well how nice of them to send an email. If his duty as an assassin is just to kill her, what the hell's he doing sending the email? Someone needs to be fired!

+ 1 TK, Damn child labor laws, don't send a boy to do an assassins job.......

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