Whats in your Pack???


When you set out hunting for the day what do you carry???

What do you not leave without and what are some of the single most important items. Anything from food to clothing etc.

In my pack I make sure I have water, Jerky, Snickers bars just to make the mouth happy. Other items include a GPS, flashlight, cellphone if I am alone, matches, knife etc.

Lets hear yours.
toilet paper
flaging tape*(must have)
electric tape
zip ties* (must have)
snacks trailmix/jerky/granola bars
Jetboil (sometimes)
Surefire flaslight*(must have)
head lamp
lighter/matches and cotton balls in film canister
lens wipes
pen* for hopefully filling out tag

Thats about it. Sounds like alot, but most of that is really light
If just for the day....

70 oz of water
A couple power bars/bagel sandwich/trail mix
Bow JICs (extra string, hex heads, extra heads, etc.)
Trail tape
100ft parachute chord
Scent spray
Caffeine pills
KA-Bar D2TFS/Leatherman/FlintMg (on my hip)
Glock 30 (on my back)
2 Mountain House Meals
JetBoil PCS, with 2 fuel cannisters
PTK - Personal Trauma Kit - CalvaryArms, with Celox.
Rope, tape, matches, mirror, sewing kit.
Water - 2 qt GI
Water Purifier
Toilet Paper
Snacks - Candy, jerky, etc.
Knife, Saw, Leatherman.
Satellite Phone.
Garmin Rhino 130.
Gloves, headnet, headscarf (whatever they are called)
Gore-Tex - (parka, pants)
.45 ammo for pistol

That's just a minimum and take my pack everywhere I go. It goes into the trunk of the car or in my truck.
hunting license, tag, extra shells, knife, bread crumbs, waterproof matches, TP, and small camera in case I see Bigfoot again.

>hunting license, tag, extra shells, knife,
>bread crumbs, waterproof matches, TP,
>and small camera in case
>I see Bigfoot again.

Bread crumbs?
>>hunting license, tag, extra shells, knife,
>>bread crumbs, waterproof matches, TP,
>>and small camera in case
>>I see Bigfoot again.
>Bread crumbs?

Bread crumbs are much more reliable than a GPS....no batteries to go dead.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-09 AT 06:48PM (MST)[p]space blanket, flask of crown royal, flashlight, wet wipes, condoms, KY, cab fare.
>Yes but what if bigfoot follows
>you and eats the bread
>crumbs? Then what?

That's what the camera is for. Take his picture. And then follow him back to the truck as he eats the bread crumbs. You gotta think, Ransom!


Great ideas! I'm going to start carrying bread crumbs too. BUT just one more question. What does one do if bigfoot attacks?


Okay but just one more question. Was the bigfoot a female? If so what happened? If it's embarrasing you can PM me the answer.

Rug, Ransom said he was sorry......:(:)

in my lime green ocean pacific fanny pack i carry tp...bullets....knife....french tic....delete delete delete.

nv......ky and condoms. ha ha ha. must be for bigfoot!
Don't forget TP!!! More than once I have had to make a sockrifice. It sucks going home with one sock, man.
After reading Eel's PM from now on I'm carring a 22 pistol in my pack just incase a female bigfoot "attacks". Not for her, for me I'll shoot myself instead of going through what happened to Eel.

eel, so let me get this right, you found yourself curled in a ball for 4 days with a female Bigfoot. LMAO

How long before you could walk again??? Or was the second 2 days for recovery??? LOL

Thanks for the responses, some good ideas and some funny ones to. KY and Playboy LOL
""space blanket, flask of crown royal, flashlight, wet wipes, condoms, KY, cab fare.""

""Ransom, curl up in a ball and play dead. That's what I did. But, I was also lost for four days.""

eelgrass, that wasnt bigfoot it was NVBighorn. LOL

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
1- leatherman
2- headlamp with spare batteries
3- GPS
4- 10-15' of rope
5- extra socks
6- mole skin
7- small micro filter bottle
8- knife
9- small sharpener
10- emergency blanket
11- lighter & matches
12- spotting scope
13- lightweight/small tripod
14- TOILET PAPER & baby wipes
15- energy bars
16- hard candy (jolley ranchers)

It's always an adventure!!!
>Okay but just one more question.
>Was the bigfoot a female?
>If so what happened? If
>it's embarrasing you can PM
>me the answer.


The bigfoot that attacked Eel was not female... It can happen to anybody and I don't think any less of Eel... Well maybe I look at him a little differently but he's still a good guy..
>I carry all of thee above
>but I also like to
>carry the latest edition of
>playboy to get me threw
>down time.

What exactly do you mean by "down time", ODB?
If any of you see a short Bigfoot with blue eyes and blond hair, please, PLEASE don't shoot him! I mean, I wouldn't shoot your kin folk! Thanks!


I have no clue what i meant by down time. But now that I think about it it just sounds wrong. I really dont carry one! It came to my mind and I chuckled
My packs got nuthin' in it..don't pack one.....MOBILE..GOTS TO BE MOBILE..especially at my age...

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