Whats in the box Doug?


Very Active Member
It better not be a trick....Fedex box from Cameraland NY showed up on the door today. I think the old lady finally gave into my begging for a new pair of swaro's......She says I cant open it till christmas...LOL

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Well if it is you will not be dissapointed. Thats what my wife got me for Christmas too. I talked her into letting me have them about two weeks ago though.:)
I got a "Green Box" for Christmas last year, and all I can say is 'wow'!
You guys must have extremly understanding wives. I told my wife how much a pair of Swaros cost once, and she told me if I ever touch a pair she would kick me in the nuts.
I had a hard enough time spending $200 for a pair of binos. $1200+ for a christmas gift is about what I spend for my entire family for christmas.
Well, not having a pair of Swaro's is not the end of the world. You killed a 370 bull with Vortex, right!! Lot more to killing a big bull than just optics!!

My wife didn't like the price either. I picked up a used set!!
Yeah luckily I don't have kids yet or I'm sure it would be different. I figured it was a good time to get them before the kids come. As for the understanding wife yeah she is, but she is getting a $3,000 chocolate diamond ring out of the deal. So my $2,500 Swaovisions ended up costing me $5,500. Thats an exspensive pair of Binos.
Dang Jarhead, dont you hate it when you get something nice, so your wife has to match you to make it "OK" that you spent some money on yourself.
>Dang Jarhead, dont you hate it
>when you get something nice,
>so your wife has to
>match you to make it
>"OK" that you spent some
>money on yourself.

Yeah in a way. I am just thankful that she would let me get them anyways. I guess gotta give a little to get a little.

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