whats hiding in your barn?.........



LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-08 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]recently retired New York man wanted to use his retirement funds wisely,
decided to buy a home and a few acres in Portugal .

The modest farmhouse had been vacant for 15 years; the owner and wife
both had died, and there were no heirs.

The estate was being sold to pay back taxes. There had been several lookers,
but the large barn had steel doors, and they had been welded shut. No one
wanted to go to the extra expense to see what was in the barn, and it wasn't complimentary to the property anyway... so, no one made an offer on the place.

The New York gentleman bought it as is, paying just over half of the property's worth; moved in, and set about to access the barn... curiosity was killing him.

So, he and his wife bought a generator and a couple of grinders... and cut thru the welds.

What was in the barn...?

A warehouse full of vintage high performance cars!!!

just to name a few...

Opel GT, Lotus Elan FHC, Lotus Super Seven Series IV, Lotus Elan DHC.

Porsche 356, Austin Healey Sprite MkII, Volvo PV 544, Ford Y?

Fiat Topolino II, Triumph TR4, Peugeot 202.

Formula racers, Chryslers, Mercedes, Austin A30.









Total value of all vehicles? over 35 Million!

The man and his wife had full title to the complete lot of vehicles.

They're having a great retirement!
I am 26 years old and in perfect health.... but i would have a massive heart attack and then lose function of my bodily functions if I saw that...
WTF!!!!!!!!! That is AMAZING!!!!

I think I would totally mess in my pants if opened that and knew that it was all mine!!!!!!

My luck is not even close to that good (in fact it is nonexistant most of the time). If I would have gone to all that trouble that barn would have been half full of HORSE SH......!!!!

Why does everyone else always get lucky.

Stupid stupid Snopes!!!! They ruin everything!!!!!!!!

Seeing stories like this is kind of like watching Porn. You know it is not true, but there is always hope that the lady in the grocery store is actually gonna walk up to you and want to take you home with her..........kinda like this, you know it is not true, you just dont want anyone to actually tell you that!!!!
The collection is cool enough as it is - I guess people feel the need to embellish things. The cars were, "hiding" in the barn for a long time though. I think it is interesting that the real owner took 26 years to get around to photographing them. I wouldn't doubt that he has now sold them and is rich rich rich. But then again maybe not. My brother has a barn full of shed antlers that he can't bear to part with. They are his "babies".

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>My luck is not even close
>to that good (in fact
>it is nonexistant most of
>the time). If I would
>have gone to all that
>trouble that barn would have
>been half full of HORSE
>Why does everyone else always get

Ditto" here

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