Whats everyones thoughts?

B-BOP-A-LULU.Where you at on this one ?Invasion of privacy or what ya thinkin?
me thinks he was wrong and they were wrong too. 2 wrongs don't make a right.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-10 AT 01:02AM (MST)[p]As far as the GPS tracking device, it is perfectly legit. If it was not, the Appeals Court would have taken the case on appeal. The fact that the Appeals Court declined to review the case, would indicate they believe there is already sufficient ruling on the matter. If the police were wrong, the courts would throw out any and all evidence obtained as 'fruits of the forbidden tree.'
Well buttshot,
I'll guarantee you this!
Once the DWR decide they've had enough of a Poacher they will do what it takes to catch them.
If this person was breaking game laws/poaching then it's time something is done about it.
He was knockin bobcats out,he coulda got me next if the UDWR hadn't of put an end to it all!}>}>}>

You wouldn't like it buttshot if somebody stole a rifle out of your pickup or home would you?
I look at it as JACKASSES stealing from my friends/family,my friends & family's kids,it just ain't right!

I like the hell out of ya buttshot,but what you sayin?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
"45 Why would a tree grow bad fruit? "

:) .... Good question.... All I know is that bad fruit doesn't fall far from the tree..... Terry
Here's an item I had in my Sept. 2008 IN THE FIELD column in Rocky MT. G&F magazine.


An investigator with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) claims a trapper accused of illegally killing bobcats might have been so successful that other hunters probably didn't find many.

The UDWR has charged Jared Beal, 40, of North Ogden with 12 counts of wanton destruction of protected wildlife.
Bobcat pelts can be worth hundreds of dollars and, in some cases, more than $1,000. In Utah, trappers may take only six bobcats per season.

Although authorities declined to reveal a specific number, they claim Beal trapped more than 24 bobcats. He used additional permits in the names of family and friends. The allegations involve bobcats trapped in Weber, Box Elder and Tooele counties, said Gary Heward, a Weber County prosecutor.

Investigators first became aware of Beal?s possible illegal activities when they received a tip that the man was selling 60 or more bobcat pelts a year in Wyoming, which has fewer restrictions. The Wyoming pelts are not included in the charges, however.

"It's been a horrible year for bobcat trappers this season, except for Jared," said Kip King, a UDWR investigator. "A lot of very good trappers didn't even get six this season. I think he's impacted the bobcat population in northern Utah, absolutely," he said.

The charges include third-degree felonies, which carry prison terms of up to 15 years, and Class A misdemeanors, which can result in a year in jail.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
All I'm sayin is I'm glad they got him before was able to get too close to you.;-)
I am not a supporter of poaching, it just ain't right!!
I don't like the sneacky tracker device thing either but, he needed to be removed from the hills and spend a little time with Bubba too.
I presume they got a warrant to place the GPS device which means they went before a judge and had probable cause based on their investigation.I'm sure that's why it was upheld by the appeals court.

The law can't just go around sticking GPS devices on people's vehicles without a warrant boys-I hope you agree.

P.S.If 24 bobcats is a significant impact on the northern Utah population and most trappers can't catch 6 in a season the Utards ain't got many bobcats.

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