What you're missing


Very Active Member
All right guys. Here is a taste of what you are missing. If you haven't tried it you really should. For me it ranks right up there with hunting. Check out the vid.

Yeah right!

That guy never fired a shot! Much less saw a single piece of wildlife.

All that noise, gas fumes and cold white stuff blowing in your face.

You must hunt different places than me if you think that is close to the same.

But hey, if that blows your skirt up, have fun!
Looks like powder heaven to me.. Only thing I would add is.. go in bunches.. and buy and WEAR an avalanche beacon.. shovels and probes are not a bad idea either..

P. S. What is with all the downhill.. Full throttle and straight up will make good video as well..

Looks like fun though..bout over for this year..KattSkatt
You don't have to have a machine to enjoy it either

Earn your turns
>You don't have to have a
>machine to enjoy it either

>Earn your turns

Yeah, beanman. I had many days on skis before I started sledding. I hiked many mountains to make a few turns down. Used to ski 5+ days a week and worked ski patrol to boot. But sadly it really doesn't compare to sledding. I rarely ski anymore and when it snows I jump on a sled and ride. To be honest, if you jumped on a sled and hammered it out with me for four or five hours you WOULD earn your turns. It's just kind of a myth to think that just because it has a motor it isn't a workout. Manhandling a 500 pound machine takes a bit out of ya. Don't get me wrong, skiing is a blast, but IMO doesn't compare to snowmobiling.

Have fun making turns.
That right there is better than sex. There is nothing like 3 feet of virgin powder and a blue sky. Nothing.
That is some of the most fun you can have right there. My son and I just got done doing a little of that Sunday afternoon on Swain Mt. near Sageadvices stompin grounds.One of best days we've had this year.And no you don't freeze doing that. In fact it gets to hot sometimes. It's a workout.
>My wife heard the music and
>thought I was watching porn!


Now that's funny.
>That right there is better than
>sex. There is nothing like
>3 feet of virgin powder
>and a blue sky. Nothing.

Try sex with a partner....it's much more fun than BBQ'ing solo.....LOL


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Not the skiing, the snowmobiling. Think about it, you can go snowmobiling whenever you want, you can go all day, you still work up a sweat, you never have to beg anyone to go with you, nobody is nagging at you after, etc, etc,......for anyone that snowmobiles that is the perfect day, as I said before, nothing is better. Nothing.
Amen. Sweet video. Local rider was caught in a slide in McCall, ID last Sunday, pretty bad but making progress

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