What WY deer unit with max points?


Very Active Member
I also posted this in the mule deer forum.

I have max points for deer in WY, if I go special I can draw nearly any hunt in the state. I am looking at several hunts but wanted to hear what you guys think.

I will be rifle hunting and I prefer to backpack in solo. I really like rough country since it is what I enjoy and it keeps many hunters out.

I would like a chance at a nice deer 170ish with the possibility, if I work hard, at a 180 plus deer. I also want to see decent deer numbers.

What units do you like given my above criteria?

I do not want private land issues - I prefer not to pay tresspass fees. I CAN research well and work my around private land (I feel very confident navigating and finding public land).

Remote, rugid and rough backpacking country preferred and since I am DIY no wilderness.

I am currently considering 105, 106, 109 (nov 1-15 hunt), 119 (nov 1-15 hunt), 78-81 type 1 (I would hunt late Oct.), 130 (late Oct.) and I am open for ideas.

One of my conerns is most of these hunts hope for weather to push deer down - but I am concerned down means private land - thus I am hoping for weather to push deer down but then they are on private land where I cannot hunt.

Any input on any of the above units, or your own ideas is greatly appreciated, even if it is about access, private land etc.

This is my first real mule deer hunt and I want to use my points wisely since I may never get to hunt some of these units again anytime soon. (I did have one other deer hunt that was rudely interupted my first night by a moose - but that is another story!). I have hunted elk a lot as well as several other critters out west. I have good gear and will work hard.


DonV Ohio
What a guy is hoping for in help from the weather could turn into a really important survival issue on being backpacked way in and remote in late Oct/early Nov..... make sense?

I have not personally hunted any of those units you have presented so I am reluctant to give any type of suggestions with out personal experience.

Robb you are absolutely correct. I have been thinking about that too. I have never been in the rockies after mid October.

It is a toss up, some hunts are second half of October and I hear stories of weather not coming and deer not there so November looks good, but then will I be able to hunt and get around?

Wish I had a crystal ball for the weather. My only slight advantage is I can change my trip around (if I went a week of a 2 week season) for weather right before the hunt - which may or may not help.
I flat out wouldn't do it because no animal is worth my life on a backpack trip in where they are going to find my bones come Spring if bad weather blocks me from getting out!!! It sounds like Don should really get into bow hunting and take an early season backpack hunt up in the high country for that type of a getaway adventure IMHO!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-11 AT 05:55AM (MST)[p]As you already know---you can bow hunt the same tag when drawn during Sept bow dates.........

That might be a back-up option if ya draw the unit you want for the Nov time frame.

Point being a guy would have a heck of alot of knowledge of the unit with a week of bowhunting under his belt before coming out for the final chapter.........if he needed the 2nd trip.

Just a thought

What ya mean?

"Only problem with that is you would be hunting two totally different areas from Sept to late Oct."



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