What would You do?


Active Member
Since the 11th of December I have been receiving Direct Deposit payments in my account from Dell Computer company. I didn't even notice them until the end of January when I realized I was nearly 300 dollars ahead of what I should be. They were around $72 each time, every two weeks, as if I worked for them. Once I noticed them, I began trying to get ahold of Dell. It was a joke. I told them on more than one occassion....I do not have a Dell account number, but they kept asking and simply couldn't get it through their heads that they were giving me money, not that I had an account with them and was trying to pay them. After at least fifteen different phone calls, one or two which I could actually understand what the other person was saying, and three or four somewhat nasty emails from me, they finally called this morning from their payroll department. They still have no clue what's going on but they'll "check into it". Just curious what you guys would do in this situation. I'm quite certain there's someone out there is about $140 short for the past couple months and I'm just trying to make it right....Never thought it would be such a pain in the a$s to try to give money back to someone.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-08 AT 11:37AM (MST)[p]Tell ya what, just send me $280 and we'll call it good. And yes Shummy is with two m's, but lots of people just call me Shum, so if your feeling chincy with your m's, one will do.
You'd better hold onto that money because they will catch it and expect you to return the money. Accounting will catch up to them and within the year, you'll get a call saying you owe them $600 or so. THEY WILL GET IT BACK.....SOMEHOW. You've done the right thing by calling them but...it is not your money and that is the way Dell will see it and that is the way a judge will see it. Hold on to it cuz you'll need to pay it back. Just my opinion.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-08 AT 02:59PM (MST)[p]1- I would contact your bank and tell them there are unauthorized transactions being made to your account. Make sure you get written confirmation from your bank that they are aware of the problem.

2- if step number 1 does not work, I would close out the account and open up a new account. Keep the money so you can pay them when they come looking.

Your bank should resolve this problem.
I wouldn't close the account because that could cause a problem on with some of your bills. I would call the bank and see if they can decline the wire or something. Other than that, there really isn't anything that you can do, you've already contacted Dell. Make sure you put that money aside because like mentioned above, accounting will find that error and then they will come after you for it.
Transfer it to your savings account and draw the interest until they want it back. They may not ever find it anyway.

I returned a Radio Shack computer that would not even start up and the store didn't have another, so they sent it back to the warehouse and gave me a refund.

About a week later, I got a second refund check from Tandy...Radio Shack's parent company. I called probably 30 times and finally one guy said, "Our computers don't make mistakes"....I put the money in the bank and they never asked about it.

After a year, we helped buy new little league uniforms with it.
I had the IRS give me a double refund on my tax return a few years back. I got over $3,000 extra bucks! I left it in the bank, called them numerouse times and finally I think they understood me. It still took them another couple of weeks to take the money back. They actually sent me a nasty letter saying I would be penalized if I didn't return the money within a certain amount of time! It was my responsability to get the money back to them even though they are the ones that messed up. So my advise is to hold onto the money until you can get it to the right person. These types of situations can turn sour real quick, especially if you've spent the money. Better to just hold onto it and pretend you never got it until problem is resolved. I did like the idea of opening up another savings account and collecting the interest off the money.

if it was $72,000 every 2 weeks would you have called them?? or told anyone??


Thanks for the advice. I have the money set aside to pay them back, so hopefully this will be resolved soon. Again, thanks.
338, you know what the right thing to do is, even without asking anyone on here. Remember, don't ever forget, character is defined by doing the right thing when nobody is looking. A good rule to live by.
Yes, I know what the right thing to do is, and that is what I've been trying to do since the end of January. I was just curious how many people would have done the same thing. That, and I was hoping to get some advice on what to do with the bank account, etc. I got the advice I was looking for, I believe. You are very right about character, and I know the vast majority of people on this site are people I'd be happy to have at my campfire should they ever need a hot cup or dry bed...Thanks again..
If the money keeps comming in even after you have talked to them then its their problem.

What I would do is set up a extra account and make sure that the $72 biweekly is going into that account. That way if they ever come back to you and say "hay we were wrong and you need to give us this money back." You can give then that money back. But what you will get out of the deal, FOR YOUR TOUBLE, is all the interest that you can earn off that money till they come looking for it.

That is what all the states do when you have to send your money in up front to apply for a hunt. They just set on your money and make interest off it till it is time to give it back to you.

Just my $.02 You could make some extra change in interest.

Well, at about ten this morning Dell called me again and said they found the guy who was supposed to be getting the money. Same name as me, same bank as me. They said they would be doing a recall of funds and thanked me for being "noble", and that the other guy said "thanks". No problems, I figured. Well, just before noon, my branch in Richfield called me and told me that Dell had given my account number to this other fella and they implored me to close the account and open a new one, which of course, I did. Now, Dell is going to have a h#4l of a time recalling funds from an account that no longer exists. I called Dell back after that and told them they were basically stupid, even though I'm pretty sure it was the banks fault, but I was quite PO'd they gave my account number to this other dude, especially when he has the same name as I do. Not good action...Anyhow, I offered Dell a check and they declined. They can't accept a check to pay their payroll department...cash, nope, not that either. Well, I told them to create me what I told them I would never have, a Dell account and I would pay it that way. Nope, that won't work either. They said they would call me tomorrow. We will see what happens.
Good idea, eel. It's just been an interesting chain of events and I want to get the money where it belongs.

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