What would you do??


Looking for an opinion on which unit I should spend most my time in. I drew two out of state buck tags. First one is Utah unit 25c/ 26 next one I got was Wyoming unit 34. Utah goes from October 17th through the 24th Wyoming tag is October 15th to the 31st. I plan on hunting both but was just wondering if I should be spending more time at one or the other. From what I've heard both areas should give me a chance at a pretty decent buck. Thanks for any help.
It has been 8 years since I have hunted Wyoming and never area 34. I do know that area borders Casper, Wyoming on the southern end and that means it will get a lot of local hunters from the Casper area. Might be a consideration to keep in mind.
Can not help you for Utah.

Thanks. My thought was to hunt Utah first then hit the last part of the season for Wyoming. Someone had mentioned to me the pressure for Wyoming should die down after the first week.
I agree. Go to Utah first. Don't know a thing about that one, but you do have a chance to take a solid buck in 34. Look in obscure areas. There are lots of cuts and little pockets you can't see from roads. It's big open country and you might find a big buck where you least expect him. They'll get bumped around early in the season, so the fringes are a good place to look. Best of luck.
The Plateau/Boulder/Kaiparowitz area is very large and has varying levels of deer numbers and buck numbers. I have never been there for the rifle hunt. I have hunted archery and muzzleloader there though. Last year's muzzy hunt was tough. Saw only 4 live bucks. I killed a 2-point on day 5 for the freezer (for the record, it was so good, even my wife eats it). We have seen much better bucks early on in the archery hunt there and it was my first time hunting muzzy down there though.

That area has lower buck to doe ratios than some other General Season units. The good news is that there is plenty of migrating in that unit, meaning the lower elevations likely hold deer during the rifle hunt. Good luck there man. It is beautiful country.

I've heard that the WY deer hunts usually get better the later in the season you go... So, there's that. :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Sounds like I was thinking in the right direction thanks for all the replies guys. Stoked for these hunts it will be my first solo excursion and first time wall tenting it up. Can't wait for October...!!!

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