What would you do???


Very Active Member
Driving home tonight just past the Wallsburg turn off a lady hit a fawn...It laid there in the road for enough time for two other cars to pull up and watch. After it struggled to it's feet it hobbled off with its hind end collapsing as it went up and over the embankment. I had my 40 with me and I thought seriously about putting it out of its misery. With the others there I decided not to. If I were the only one there I think I would have.
What would you have done?

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I wouldn't have even stopped.

You did the right thing about doing nothing. I also hate to see a animal suffer, but if you shot it, things could go wrong and you end up in a legal mess that is not worth it.

You will be surprised about how many of those animal lovers that will stand there and watch a animal suffer, but turn on you in a heart beat if you take steps to put the animal out of it's misery.

Even worse if your bullet should ricochet and injure one of those by standers,

Like you, if no one else was around, I would have put it down to end it's misery. D-13 has a valid point of not stopping and getting involved in a possible vehicle wreck from some lookey lou that failed to watch his driving.

I think alot of people think that even though the animal is hurt, that it will walk it off and get better. Then they see you run after it with a handgun to try to "kill" it, and they will call the fish cops. Im right with you though, if noone was there ide do the same.
I've had the same thing happen twice but in a much less traveled road i would imagine. one was a two point that had both its hind legs broke and was still trying to get through the fence. Each time I called the local authorities and told them the sittuation and that I could put the animal down. One time I was told to do so and the other time told to wait. I think where I was located at the times this happened had a lot to do with everything. I think you did the right thing but maybe should have called local Authorities as well??
jump on my hood and start singing ' backstrap fever " and chase him down and get those backstraps ! just kidding... these days you can't be too carful one libral soccer mom calling the authorities bawling could cost you dearly
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11 AT 08:13AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11 AT 07:11?AM (MST)

Tough call, but I agree w/ you under the circumstances. Had something similiar happen to me in Monatana while spring bear hunting. Came across a one year old (40 lb) bear cub with a paw that had been bitten through by another bear. The little guy could only take a few steps and then fall over. Wasn't eating much either as his ribs were starting to show. We'll I knew Montana just opened a wildlife rehabilitation center for injured animals, so I packed that little guy up and carried him 2 miles to my truck. I stopped down the road to pick-up my buddy. Honked the horn a couple of times. He replied did I get one. I said yes and he's alive sitting next to me in the truck. He then replied "$&^&*^&*()^###%&^*." Drove him to the nearest Police Station and called the local warden...he was pissed, but I didn't care. He was mad because he was having supper. I still have a picture of that bear sitting next to me in the front seat of my pick-up.
30Hart you have huge balls! I wouldn't havethe stones to go anywhere near a wounded bear cub for fear momma is near! Sweet story...post the pics, did the cub make it?

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LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11 AT 08:10AM (MST)[p]I waited around for 20 minutes to make sure momma was nowhere near. I've got to scan the picture, that was before digital cameras. No news, like I said the game warden was pissed at me...he never called back. He had to drive the bear to Helena from Columbia Falls to the rehab center.
Would love to see the picture too.

Now days you just can't do the right thing every time,too many out of touch people are in charge.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
sad situation to be in,
could you have waited for every one to leave and then finished it??
i've finished a couple animals on the side of the road myself,it's a tough decision to make,but i think i made the right one.
I'm pretty much like a lot of the others in that I would have put it down if it was out of town and nobody else was around. No way would I take the chance if there was one single person there that could make the situation turn ugly.
I had my three year old son in the truck with me. I didn't want to wander out through the brush looking for the deer with him sitting on the side of the road in the truck or I would have checked on the deer. If I get a chance today I'm gonna go back and see if its laying around off the side of the road.

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LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11 AT 11:59AM (MST)[p]You could have easily called the police (who would likely have put you through to DWR) and asked for permission to put the animal down. If permission was granted, you would have been shielded from possible repurcussions from other motorists. Once you stopped and were involved enough to determine in your belief the animal needed to be put down, you should follow through or get the authorities involved if necessary.


It is easy to make these statements sitting behind a computer. Much, much harder out there in the real world. The fact you posted this validates your concern that something different should have occurred.
Another case where and ethics and the law are not always compatible. I walked away from a vulture with a broken wing once, and a couple of deer that needed put down. The legal ramification if the warden wants to make an issue of it are too severe.
There is no right or wrong here, but sounds like you did the best thing under the circumstances.

If I were by myself and I was able to walk the critter down, I would have cut its throat with my pocket knife. If some one wants to give me a ticket for that so be it. No way would I have shot a gun on or near a highway.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Given the situation you were in I probably wouldn't have stopped.
My brother stopped at an accident that was somewhat similar. The deer was broken down badly although. The "soccer mom" who hit it, was cradling its bloodied head in her arms crying. My brother being the "hero" crossed the many lanes of traffic with a utility knife. The lady walked back to her van, while my bro, cut its throat. She started screaming and cussing him out... lol, Bro ran to his truck and peeled outta there before a plate could be gathered... long story short, call the authorities and ask for permission...
In another circumstance, I watched a guy try numerous times to put a buck, who had recently shed his horns, out of it misery with a double bladed ax. He had hit it with his car and broke it down bad. Numerous blows later, he had finished the job... I could see where this could have looked like a very brutal act to an anti but I deemed it necessary due to the fact that nobody had a weapon that was better and the deer was in bad shape.

"Like a midget at the urinal, always be on your toes!"
I've been in that situation 3 times. Twice I killed the injured animals and once a highway patrolman killed it. When I killed two injured animals, a tourist lady was just beside herself....wanted to take the deer to the doctor (really). When the policeman killed the deer (south of Carson City, NV), a lady was again demanding he take it to the hospital.

I don't know what the legalities of those scenarios are....I do know what is right.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I think it is a total waste of public money to involve the authorities....if you have the opportunity to put the animal down...do it. Otherwise drive home and forget about. They are wild animals...sh!t happens to wild animals all the time.
+ 1 D13 Horsecreek. How can you live knowing you let it suffer?? Did you ever fear for your life thinking you might have been attacked by a wounded animal? You could have always taken an asprin and taped it to his forehead with a band-aid he might have gotten better.


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