what would you do?


Very Active Member
Let's say I took a deer last year, and let's say he was the biggest that you or your family had taken by 10 or so inches, and you found another buck this year that is almost identical to the last year buck. Same type shape, and should score about the same; from what I can tell. He's very predictable right now and I could could get someone else on him.

Question - do I? Or do I get back there myself and take this giant of a buck myself for 2 big ones 2 years in a row that are pretty close in shape and symetry?
That totally depends on what else you have seen and how much more time you have to work on the tag and how much you like your friend!
You really gonna have strangers on the WWW make up your mind for you?

Dig deep inside your mind you must young Padawan....


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Well, as long as were helping you with these decisions, just tell me where he is and I'll go take care of him for you.

Is that ethical?
If you have a DESERVING family member, or a very GOOD TRUE FRIEND, guide them them in to a possible buck of their life. If you do not not have a family member or friend that is deserving, go get him yourself.

I was hoping someone would agree with me. If my dad bowhunted, I'd get him on it without question. Or try that is. Not that it's my call to say if someone deserves a deer or not, but I'd say that the people I was considering don't deserve it for more reasons than one.

I talk like he's tied up to a tree waiting for me to come back for him. Probably won't see him again!
For the record, I could shoot two great deer in two years, and not feel one bit guilty.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I'm with Eel. Short of maybe having a son or something I could get in on it I'd wax it. Big bucks are few and far between.
When the stars are aligned for you don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Give me his GPS Co ordinance and I could give you some advice.


There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed taters and gravy.
Over the years, I've gotten several really good deer, all of which are "displayed" somewhere in some way. The answer to your question comes from within but........I took someone else to a big deer once....my younger brother was the shooter.

NO ONE, except the 2 of us, knows I played guide that week. He has quit hunting and wonders if I believe hunting is more important than it should be. The deer he shot has long since been put in storage. At this time, I'd take no one except my son.

Within the shadows, go quietly.

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