what would you do Q?



about 5 years ago I submitted a product idea to Bushnell, they responded and said "not interested" but today I see they are using my idea all the way!

I did mail the plans to myself in an unopened envelope, just gotta find it now!......
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-09 AT 07:31PM (MST)[p]Well Manny, I assume you applied for a patent on the idea before you sent it to Bushnell. So you now have at least a patent pending on this idea. I think you've got em by the nads.

If you didn't apply for a patent on your idea here is a nice write-up on the history of Kleenex, including some information on their patent.

I'd suggest the best answer to your problem would be to go buy a box of kleenex and wipe your %^&$*@? eyes cuz you don't have anything!
Sorry man but basically, you are screwed.
My cousin was a chemist for 3M and invented Scotch Tape, 2 sided tape and several others. They gave him a $250 bonus for each and made him sign away any rights and patent. He left and started his own company and made a very nice living for himself. His biggest advise was to keep everything quiet from everyone, apply for a patent and DO NOT show it to a sole until the patent has been granted. Companies thrive on taking other peoples ideas and making millions on them without returning a red cent to the inventor. Patents are expensive and take many years to get researched and approved. It is really tough to ride it out the whole time but it can be the difference in making a killing or making nothing. I have 3 patents in research right now and have been waiting for 6 years on one of them. Only my wife has seen my prototypes and it is going to stay that way. If you don't have the resources to pull it off you need to find someone who can but only do it through a reputable attorney and only after you have all of you ducks in a row.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Manny, I guess the best thing to do is buy one of their new scopes and use it.

Pbear, you're too late. I already have a patent on strawberry flavored Crisco.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Damn it, damn it, damn it!!!!! How about beef jerky flavored Crisco, eh?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Well manny.........
If Leupolds are junk,your invention just might be a real POS?
What would I do?
Well you could sue them for enough money to get yourself some real optics.

This reminds me of the time I invented the internet...


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