What would U do?



We were on the elk hunt up north of Indianola camping on the east side of the road just south of Spencer fork just off Highway 89 like always, when my pup (AKA registered chocolate lab) for some reason went acrosss the road for the first time. We were all standing around the camp fire when a white Chevy honked its horn and we herd a thud. Went to the fence and he or she had hit the dog. What made me mad is that they didnt stop atleast to apologize.

I wouldve of stopped, esecially since there was a camp right there with people there, plus to remove it off the road and looked for ownership tags.

What would everyone else of done?
Ouch Wes, that's the sh!ts!!

The person SHOULD have stopped, no question about it.

I'm not sure why you would be mad he did not stop to apologize. From the description I understand, he took every measure to avoid hitting the dog and it was an accident. If it was an accident, he did nothing wrong. Should he of stopped? Yes, but from the way I read into this you place the entire responsibility on some schmuck cruising the highway that hit your dog in a place where a dog should not of been in the first place. I'm not saying you did anything crazy out of the ordinary either, but to assume he owed an apology is absurd. It was a crappy deal, he should of stopped, dog should not of been on highway, moral of the story, coulda shoulda woulda--crap happens.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-08 AT 05:05PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-08 AT 05:04?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-08 AT 05:03?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-08 AT 05:01?PM (MST)

I probably would have stopped to make sure the dog was out of its misery. Two to the head if necessary - hate to see a dumb animal suffer. I am not sure that would have made you happy, but I probably wouldn't have apolgized - doesn't look like it was his fault.

I hit something though going about 80 one night and by the time I got it shut down and turned around - the thing was gone. At the time I hit it I didn't even see what it was - happened so quick I only caught a glimpse. The first thing that ran through my mind was that it was a capybara - you know one of those huge jungle rodents from South America! But in Duchesne County??? Don't think so - it was probably a dog. I am sure I killed it but couldn't find it - too bad it suffered but its owner should have had it locked up!

Owner's fault - not the dog's, nor the drivers!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy...I wish the dog would've grown up just to bite you. Maybe the chupacabra will get you down there in Texas.

Sorry your dog got hit, Wes. That sucks. I think the dude should've come back and said Sorry, or something.

I'd kill that freaking chupacabra thing too!!

Now - I never said I wouldn't stop - in fact I did. I just wouldn't apologize, or rather admit fault. I might say something, like - "Hey man I am sorry your dog ran out in front of my truck and got killed because there was nothing I could do besides honk, swerve and slam on the brakes - which I did to no avail."

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I understand it was me at fault. First off cant believe she went out there. She had been up with me for 2 weeks prior and never left my side other than when we went hunting and chained her up. I believe the only reason she went over there was maybe chasing something. I wouldnt say he couldve done anything different to miss her, heck if a deer runs out in front of me going 65 I would hit it, cause if you swerve it could be you wrecking and maybe be fatal. I understand he/she couldnt do anything other then hit her. I just thought if it were me and hit a dog when a camp is 50 yards of the side of the road, I would stop and turned around to apologize and help. Bottom line not their fault, but atleast she didnt feel anything.
>What would you do if they
>ran over your sister?

That depends - did they accelerate first or brake?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
They never even hit any brakes. Keep accelerating. Its in the past and she is baried were I would like to be in the mountains. If any body knows of someone who has AKA registered pups (female) I would like to get another one.
Sorry for your loss. I drive past those camps on a daily basis during the week and am definatly sorry to hear about your pup.
>>What would you do if they
>>ran over your sister?
>That depends - did they accelerate
>first or brake?
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

I thought the answer might involve a party or something.
I would of stopped it is the right thing to do, but I would not have wanted my wife, daughter, or son to stop. You never know who they might meet up with or what someone might do when the emotions are flowing. You might be very level headed and understand the situation and the emotions. The next guy might have other thoughts.

Since the reputation of hunters is gun toting, blood thirsty, drunks. A reputation that was earned by a few and worn by us all. I would be more surprised if someone had stopped.

If the law does state that you have to stop and locate the owner. Then it is another example of legislation which has implications that reach farther than the mentality of those voting on it. Why should my wife be forced by a law to place herself in a situation that she can't control and may place her in danger to locate the owner of a dog that was not under the control of the owner.

I feel your pain, and I'm sorry for your loss. But without knowing the other side of the equation I wouldn't think to poorly of the driver.
Dang it bess dont ya know that hounddawgyjr aint gonna get caught in the road! you gotta throw some brakes on the smogger every once in a while and quit rollin over every furry thing in sight hopin you will get lucky with him!

Wildlife population control specialist
I would have pulled out the 1911 and emptied the clip! JK
Sorry, that is a bad deal! They should have stopped. I probably would have got inthe pickup and chased them down.
We just had our dog hit in front of our house, and the person didn't stop. The neighbor girl saw it happen and came and got us. Long story short, I'm glad they didn't stop 'cause it may have gotten ugly, that little dog was just like one of our kids. I realize we shouldn't of had her outside unattended, and I'm glad I don't know who hit her, otherwise I'd have someone to hate for it.

Now we have another shitzu puppy and a lab-short hair puppy, and a 21 month old boy. Definitely not the smartest thing that I've ever done.
Sorry about your Lab. Driver should have stopped and helped.

My sister is a lawyer. If she is in the road, you are permitted to accelerate and change lanes as necessary to hit her. No requirement to stop......unless you want to giggle.
Lap or "accessory" Dog - No apology necessary

German Shepherd or other manly dog - Apology necessary

Just kidding, I would hate to find my dog in the road.
I have a cross breed dog who is going on 18 years old right now, that has trouble holding his bladder overnight. I've been letting him out the front door in the mornings to be free, hoping that someone will put him out of our misery. He just keeps coming back. I understand that most owners are very protective of their dog faced family members. I used to be too. But after 18 years, I would welcome a quick and painless automobile accident.
dleonard3, I love the taste of dog flesh. Your loving , faithful pet of 18 years maybe a bit tough but if I braise him long enough his flesh would become very tender. I'll P.M you so you can send him my way for a proper end to his life. Thanks for diner.
I guess because he doesn't seem like he's ready to quit yet. He still gets around, stiffly. He doesn't ever wimper, so I don't think he's in any pain. He leaves hair everywhere, he's completely deaf, he stinks and looks like a bag of bones, but he just keeps on going. He's like the Energizer Bunny. My wife told me I can't shoot him yet because he's not suffering.

It's kind of funny, I let him go outside un-attended hoping the dog catcher will get him, or a woman driver on a cell phone will, but most of the time the neighborhood kids will bring him back home if he gets too far away from home, and I have to thank them even though I don't mean it. I love that dog, and I'll miss him when he's gone, but I sure wish he'd hurry up.
Jingow, you are a sick puppy.........eater.

I've heard that coyotes taste exactly like they smell, so I think you would have to marinate the heck out of my dog to get him to taste, well, like something other than dog crap.
I had a cat last 20 years so I know what you're talkin about, but as long as there happy you have to do your best. The day I was going to put him down, he passed. After $10,000 of vet bills I still feel it was worth the effort to make him as comfortable as possible before his end. He didn't ask for me ,I asked for him. I was joking,about the previous post I made. Plus old cat cat taste much better than old dog. UMMMMMMM!
I hit a big German Shepard one time. I stopped and located the owner. He thanked me for doing the right thing. He didn't thank me the next day when I stopped by and handed him the $1100 estimate to fix the body damage to my truck.


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