What would this this moose score



I have a Wasatch moose tag and I would score a solid hit behind the front shoulder. I can't see width, but he has nice palms, good points, and a great front end. Don't you have a Cache tag?

I haven't even been out yet. Spending time with my Dad on his elk hunt. Best of luck to you.


Thanks I really like this Bull but he has found a good place to live behind some peoples homes

I am looking for a bull for someone in Colorado that has a Ogden river tag we seen 9 bulls on monday morning but all where dinks

Good luck on the elk and moose hunt both sound like great tags the Wasatch unit is probably the best unit for moose in utah

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah
He not only has a pretty long-tined rack, but appears that it would score well also. The width should be 40-42" or better, judging from ear position in the picture and apparent width beyond them. The width is only a bonus, as everything else adds up faster. Looks like 10 points or better on each side, and forked brows. Both length and width of palms looks good. I would like to see better pics, but I would certainly tell any of my hunters to bust him! We could ground check for score later, but I would figure 150-160". Good luck on him.

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