What would this Bull score ?



Since mm.com land has good scorers......

Just wondering ?!?!?!




Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Sweet! He would score about $378,000 grand on the black market in Thailand!

Did you dart him?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-08 AT 05:02PM (MST)[p]Dart him ?!?!?!

Uhhhh... Not so much............. Can you say 1.5'-2" think hide ?


Ever seen a heart this big ?



Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
I posted a Link to the stories and pictures.. but you know how they are around here.... Always thinking a guys "trolling" so the link got nuked.

I'll get some more pics as I catch up from being gone.

I'm jsut hoping Toy's "R" Us doesn't come looking for me now ;)

Untill I get more time.. Here is a picture of me on an ostrich eggg to hold you over :


I'll be thinking about you this weekend..... have a good 4th and be safe !!



Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
For heavens sake Moosie!!

What did ya do, drop some E and go have a hay day at the zoo riding around in the miniature train shooting all the critters in their cages as ya went by?? Lol

J/K.....nice animals, thanks for showing the pix man!!!

Didn't ride the train bud......

But did ride a white truck :


and a green one :)



Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-08 AT 09:15PM (MST)[p]Great times! Did you make your boy eat the heart while it was still beating? That thing is huge? Does it have 9 chambers? Beautiful trophy - you should do a full body mount for him! Just put him in your front yard! Just think of the Christmas light display options!

Cool pics. Yep - I'm jealous!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
RFLMAO!! I can totally picture you Moosie over in Africa doing handstands and playing "Pan Man"! Those guys must have thought....'What the hell, I didnt know this was one of those Make A Wish hunts for the Special kids".
Neck shot on the giraffe? How could you miss!:)

The handstand thing was OK, but did you have to do it just as that guy was about to shoot the trophy of a lifetime? Sheesh!
What did ya do, drop some E and go have a hay day at the zoo riding around in the miniature train shooting all the critters in their cages as ya went by??


Great pics Moosie looks like your'e havign some fun...

Great lookin' bull Moosie! I took one 2 years ago and would take another one in a heartbeat!! Those big black stink bulls are awesome!! The thickness of that hide is unreal, isnt it??
>Since mm.com land has good scorers......
>Just wondering ?!?!?!

Well I'm guessing 11' 2" 3/8... Ya measure the necks right????
or is it those little horn's????
LAST EDITED ON Jul-04-08 AT 11:00AM (MST)[p]
WHo is the gay guy standing on the egg?

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
Now I need to go google "Giraffe Trophies" to see what part of the giraffe you mount or what the hell you do w/one once you kill it. You do a full neck and head mount? lol Vaulted ceilings are in order for sure, I think, for that trophy. You'll have the coolest lookin' teepee on the rez for sure with that hide. Great pics, Moosie!

Hey, will you post the link to your family blog again please? I want to add it to my blogspot roll.

Here is my wifes blogspot : http://www.lifeatthewilliamsons.blogspot.com/

That was actually not my boy. I didn't take them this time. Due to money and other reasons. I do want to bring them though and will soon. That kid is the Owners kid. He was in HAWG heaving in the gut pile :)

Did you guys see the Hartebeest tracking Vid ?

Yah, the "PAN MAN" was funny in Africa. I learned the african word for forward and Back and said it real fast while making the Hip Gestures. It was funny to me but even funnier when the tracker was laughing so hard he fell out the back of the truck. Later, He was telling all the other trackers back at camp. it wa sone of the few times I ever seen the blacks laugh, let alone smile.....

Scottyboy, it is Unreal. Did you get mount done ? Can you post it if you did ? I have a cool Idea. I have several cool mounts and the Giraffe is no different. Now I jsut have to get some work done to be able to pay for it ;)

"Well I'm guessing 11' 2" 3/8..."

HAHA.. funny you put that score up. From the HOOF to the top of the Shoulder at the base of the neck was 135 and some change so it was 11'3"+ so you're within 1/2 inch on the height :)

I can't remember the neck length.

That "GAY GUY" is a Legend around these parts amigo. Be carefull what you say about him. I've heard he's killed people for less.... *wink*

257tony.... so..... Nothings changed, eh ?

tripK, I'm doing a head and shoulder mount. It's not goni gto be the typical mount from the floor up, It will be with the head lower and the neck goin gup at an Angle towards the ceiling. I will have my other mounts and some africa items under it. I have it all in my head, just need to get the mounts back, and build another little room on the house to hold them. I have a 1/2 Body elk, 2 full size bear (One Brown) and some other deer , foz and items I simply don't have room for in my Single wide. I'll need to add on :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Good show....but the important ?? is "when are you going back" I know you are already planning a repeat performance, everybody does. I'm going back in Aug. of 09.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I havent found the time to mount my bull yet.. every time I get enough cash in my hands to mount him, I get that burning feeling in my pocket and go on another hunt!! I'm going back to Africa for the 4th time in a month, so it looks like I'll have to put the mount off for a bit longer.. the cape is tanned and ready to rock, I just need to find the time..

The shipping costs on that cape damned near broke me!! They are HEAVY! And the tanning cost will make any sane man blalk at the bill! But still, I'd shoot another in a heartbeat! They are one of the most unusual animals you can hunt.I have alot of giraffe pics downloaded and saved for when I get around to mounting mine. I've mounted about 6 of them, and they are a monumental pain in the ass to mount. There are only 2 or 3 forms out there, and a big bull will always swallow the form. There is ALOT of altering a girrafe form to make one fit properly. That's why a taxidermist charges an arm and a leg to mount one. Shooting one is the cheap part. I'm going to do a ped mount with mine with a deep scalloped back, and have his next slightly twisting and bring his head down, and rebuild the large calcium knots on his head and nose.

The bull you took is really beautiful. He looks alot like mine.. when I decided I wanted to hunt giraffe, I wanted the biggest blackest oldest bull we could find. It took a few days and we looked at alot of giraffe before I finally found the one I wanted. He took 3 rounds in the boiler room before he went down, and I had to put one more insurance shot in him with my .300RUM with 200gr Swift A-Frames.

Thanks for showin us the pics of him. How bout a quick run down on how the hunt went?? What did you take him with??


Not sure when I'm going back. We all talked about it but I think I'm going to wait till the dust settles before planning another one. I try to do alot of hunts and always have something planned. It does get in your blood and after a week home I know why people go back within a year. work sucks Donkey ****. I do need to get some finanaces in order. I'm in the middle of a couple things right now that keep me busy.

Nice Giraffe. You said you've mounted 6 of them. Do you do taxidermy work on them? I still haven't decided who to use. Can you Email me some mounted pictures ? moosieid@ hotmail.com .

The mount you described sounds like what I want. the head lower and the neck going up. Just behind the head a african tree will be holding the whole think up. Off of the Branch a monkey will be hanging with one arm and the other pedistal mounts will be under the neck. I'll draw it out soon.

Yah, the cost of pulling the trigger is jsut the tip of the game. I figure I'll be close to 9 large bills in the neck mount before it's al said and done. Heck, thats a couple trips to Mexico with the wife. It reminds me of the Mastercard comercial :

Plane Trip to Africa :$2,200
Giraffe trophy fee : $3,000
Shipping it back :$2,800
Getting it mounted : 3-4k
Wifes reaction when you come home and you tell her you killed a Giraffe......."PRICELESS" ;)

My buddies took video. the outfit took promotional video for marketing. One of the guys that went with had a camcorder and so did another PH. I'm still waiting for the video to see if it turned out. The hunt wasn't to crazy. We had an opportunity and I took it. We scheduled the hunt on the Wed and 3 of the 5 in our party went. the other 2 stayed and hunted. After getting to the place. it took a couple hours to find the giraffe. I figured they knew were it was at and just making it more of a hunt but my buddy that came with climbed one of the mountains and he couldn't see it from that height. We finally found them. Started getting set up and they took off again. We found them again after they moved out into the opening more and I shot it. I borrowed a 375HH. I don't have the specs on the gun. The shot was good for a borrowed gun and it stumbled. It quartered awat and I layed another one in and it came tumbling down.

It was amaising the amount of guys working on it. 18 guys at one time had their hand on the Giraffe and they used 2 trucks and winches. It waz crazy !!!

I'm glad I got it. I gave up the Kudu and Gemsbok for it but it was worth it this time. Like everyone says.... there's always next time :) :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
257tony.... so..... Nothings changed, eh ?

As soon as I get to Africa then I won't have to hate you anymore. I enjoy the heck out of your posts, lots of guys on here are just too damned stiff and can't take a joke. Keep em coming. I suppose I should register on Hunt talk someday....
Moosie....I'm disappointed in you. You always have to hunt Kudu, you can never kill enough Kudu. Words to live by. But you allowed makeups, next time you have to kil 2.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
257T, I'm going to go back in 2-3 years. If you want, you are more then welcome to be in my camp. Keep that in mind. It's a serious offer !!!

kilbuck, Kudu... I know... I know.... My bad. I was thinking about your words as I sat over there debating the $'s. I Wasn't able to get a Kudu $ wise... but I saw 2 take a Dirt nap from other guys that had more coin then me :)

Here is Brents :


and Warrens :


I did get a couple of the Smaller critters. I did run ionto a Couple of MonsterMulie guys while I was in Africa. Go figure how small the world is :



Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Kudu is my dream hunt animal... some day I'll get to do it, within 10 year for sure.

Moosie, That Giraffe is awesome! Your posts always crack me up

Ropin, I hate to disappoint you, but elephant hunting is one of the great hunts on earth. I've done it twice, and the only reason I haven't gone back is financial. If I could afford it, I would hunt elephants every year for the rest of my life. They are one of the greatest game animals on the planet. Very smart, stealthy when they want to be, can harm you worse on accident than most animals can on purpose and are just an awesome experience. Stalking into herds with cows and calves can get way beyond exciting, it can be sheer terror at times. Elephants are on my short list of greatest game on earth.
LOL......I just had images of elmer fudd sneaking through the brush. sorry.

I'll take your word on it. Are they any good to eat?
Moosie, you are hillarious & thanks for sharing. You're the kind of guy I could hunt with! I've always wondered about Africa, how does it compare to hunting a big muley buck or big bull in the rut?

Good to see an update. I do have a request. Can you do a Clifford C. Clavin imitation while in the field? You look exactly like him so it should be easey.:)

I just haven't figured out how to spend money like you do. Yeah, I hate the game. Can't wait to see more. Congrats.
PeakFreak.... I can be funny at times. I try to be all the time but it's hit and miss. Thanx for the Kudos though. You should have seen me when I came to MonsterMulies 6-8 years ago. I thought I was gonig to get killed by the locals. Pushing Game farms and ATV's..... People soon found out my M.O. and I was liked, so I moved on to the next site to be funny ;)

Ropinfoo' they aren't the best eating... But neither is wild turkey, ducks or bear. But I kill all of them...... dead :) something desn't have to be good eating to kill. I kill flies and wasps as well.

How do you know what the sport is in killing a giraffe if you've never done it ? Sounds like you have a mind set and don't want to change. I['m OK with that. I didn't Kill me a Giraffe to make anyone happy but me and My 4 boyz. If I wanted to make everyone happy... Uhhh like my wife for one, I wouldn't have killed it :)

CAelknutz, I personally wouldn't shoot an Elephant. Mostly cuz I don't have room to mount one. Since I can't keep the meat I would want to mount what I shoot. But thats jus me. I would LOVE to go on a elephant hunt that someone else kills one. Hopefully some day !!

AZTrophy hunter... ther eis no comparison, they are different. It's like comparing fishing to hunting. It's jsut different. I really love chasing Mule deer and Elk. Taken a few in my time. Africa hunting isn't hard. But it's satisfying and fun. I would still rather put on a back pack and head to the hills after Elk.... But I'm Sick that way *smile*

I think Mostly cut Utah Spoiled me... And Wyoming.... But Idaho doesn't suck either ;)

Zigga, Post a Youtube clip of what you want me to do.... I do requests. I can fit in most request in a hunting year. I get out a bit.

On the Money part.. I've figured out the Spending, but I haven't figured out the Paying Back. Don't mix up me spending money with me having any. I haven't gotten a Paycheck in about 3 months. But I'm working on a few things. It always works out !!

NVBighorn, thats funny. Whats funny is how we climbed a mountain to find this giraffe and still couldn't see it. Once we found it (5 trucks and 10+ guys) it was walking through an area and stopped like it was at a zoo. I got out the camcorde rand it jsut stuck around. it wa skind of anticlamatic until it took off running. We lost it and took over 1/2 hour to find it again. At that point it was in the Mostly open area and we buzzed right in. But a plane would have been nice !!!!

I haven't d much time to upload video but I will be adding some to my Youtube page in the future.

Thanx for the remarks, good or bad ;)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!

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