What will Kolby look like on Christmas morning?


Rumor has it that Jenn is getting a companion gift to match the Martha Stewart cutting board! Now we all know just how MUCH she appreciated it last time - just wondering which one of the fellers in this video will Kolby most resemble when she opens up her new SwifferAutoScrubberMop on Christmas morning?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Yeah - you better check on Rus' pic on that post - hurry! It might not last long! Hilarious!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Oh man...how will he look with a Swiffer up his rear? Probably about as good as he did when I shoved the weed whacker up there when he cut down my flowers that one time.

Just say it, Bobcat...just say it....

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