What states to put in?


Active Member
I was just wondering what states are the best to put in for, the biggest bang for your buck.

Idaho cost a fortune just to put in for (you need to purchase a license before you can put in $150+)and you get no points for doing so

Utah you need to purchase a license as well to put in for the draw but at least you get a point for your money and trouble

Are there any states where you can put in for only the application fee and you only have to buy a license if you draw and in those states do they offer bonus point.

Just wondering where I could put in and get some bang for my buck if I don't draw?
Best advice is to subscribe to either Eastman's or Huntin' Fool for a full year. Subscribers get recaps on the process for each state including costs, type of points of any, desirable units for trophy, deadlines to apply. You can access archives online once join Eastmans so if you hurry then will have solid info to review prior to most of the due dates for applications this spring.

For the future, I assume that every state out West will eventually require non-residents to buy a license, pay higher application fees, pay tag fees upfront with the state holding the money for months and charging $50 to $100 per species for a bonus/preference point. Non-residents do not vote and resident hunters seem to enjoy seeing non-residents go away even if it means less money when shift a tag to a much lower resident fee and the guides/outfitters/hotels see fewer clinets.

If you are interested in applying for tags for most species (elk, deer, pronghorn, sheep, goat, moose, bison, oryx, and ibex) be ready to soon tie-up $4000 or more on deposit per state and spend $400 or more to enter your applications with the state.

Heck, Wyoming today requires about $8000 on deposit if apply for everything is around $300 in total for points.

I spend about $1500 to apply out West each year to get into 70 draws total in 9 states. I tie-up $20,000 in total by mid-April and then the refunds trickle in over the summer. For my efforts, I draw 1 to 3 very desirable tags a year and my wife will tell you that the wild game meat in our freezer ends up costing about $80 a pound. Is the best money I spend on myself and hunting is my only hobby.
Nv is a MUST APPLY for a N.R. hunter,most will agree --- A lot of "Bang For Your Buck".Apply,the general draw,online in mid April,Good Luck --- Bruce & Silvergrand
I don't get the complaint on Idaho. Without the point system where you'd be nearly out of the draw in reality, you get to enter with the same odds as anyone. If you're complaining about the license purchase then I get it.
>I don't get the complaint on
>Idaho. Without the point
>system where you'd be nearly
>out of the draw in
>reality, you get to enter
>with the same odds as
>anyone. If you're complaining
>about the license purchase then
>I get it.

Idaho used to be a bad deal. However, over the last few years many other states have dropped below them due to watering down points, reduced NR quotas & license fees. I have 254 watered down points in other states yet have been considering applying in Idaho again. For new guys with no points it deserves a look.
Have to defend Idaho a little here. Yeah, we have some problems but overall its a pretty good system. One of the last to apply and they draw quickly. You're stuck buying the license but we sell deer and elk tags over the counter for those who don't draw other states. There are some very good hunts in units with no wolves or crowds, if you just get off your ass/atv and take a walk.

For what its worth in Utah so far, my 12-15 points have done me no good at all, but I still play and have hope.
Part of you answer depends on what species you are after, what kind of experience, and how big the critters are. NR bang for the buck probably goes to CO and then WY. NM is good, no points and no non refundable license unless they change it which might happen. UT, AZ, and NV are more expensive long term investments for me. I have dropped out of OR, and will only do ID if I have a general deer hunt planned to justify the non-reundable part. I chase mostly deer and elk, but I do want a sheep or two before I die.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-11 AT 06:03PM (MST)[p]>For what its worth in Utah
>so far, my 12-15 points
>have done me no good
>at all, but I still
>play and have hope.

Ya me too. I have 14 UT deer points, for what they are worth. Wish I would have just started collecting those for elk instead, I could be hunting Monroe! What to do? I guess Paunsagunt rifle?

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