What say 'ye MM LEO's?



I'm thinking there are MM'ers here that know these suicide victims. Just wondering if you all think the punishment fits the crime.

2 Suspects In Stolen Artifacts Case Commit Suicide Reporting
Rick Sallinger
Two dozen people are accused of stealing Indian treasures from archaeological sites and selling them for profit and now two of the suspects are dead.

Both men killed themselves after being charged with stealing artifacts in the Four Corners area in Utah and Colorado. Authorities don't know why they took their own lives, but another person charged in the case says it was because they were wrongly accused.

CBS4 Investigator Rick Sallinger talked with one of suspects who has been indicted.

The woman Sallinger spoke with, Marie Crites of Durango, claimed she was mistreated. Some are blaming federal agents for being heavy handed in making the arrests. But John Silence, the special agent in charge of the Bureau of Land Management agents in Denver, says they were not and they are distressed at the suicides in this unusual case.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar was among those announcing the indictments in early June.

"The reason that I am here, is on behalf of President Obama," Salazar said.

The defendants who committed suicide have been identified as Dr. James Redd of Blanding, Utah, and Steven Shrader of Santa Fe, N.M.

Sallinger asked Crites why she thought the two suspects took their own lives.

"Because they were unjustly charged," Crites replied. "I was put in a cell with handcuffs, inside the cell, so I could not use the bathroom. I consider that unnecessarily restrictive."

A search warrant request CBS4 obtained for a trailer in Fort Collins reveals federal authorities learned of an illegal "network that regularly pillages archaeological sites." It says the FBI then paid an inside source $224,000. That person purchased $335,000 of artifacts, including some believed taken from Indian burial grounds.

"Those who remove or damage artifacts on public or private lands take something from all of us," said Brett Tolman, U.S. Attorney-Utah. "These treasures are the heritage of all of us."

The network accused of pillaging Indian lands was said to consist of diggers, dealers and artifacts collectors.

Silence with the BLM told Sallinger the case is much more than just about arrowheads. It's about pulling artifacts out of grave sites and people who have made a lifestyle in committing the crime.

?I think they should have just TAZERED the bastages & let it go?.


SALT LAKE CITY -- In a search warrant unsealed in U.S. District Court late Wednesday, federal authorities claimed to have found evidence that two suspects arrested on charges of stealing Native American artifacts from public lands may have been involved in a fraud scheme.

The warrant says computers and journals seized found information that defendants James and Jeanne Redd were possibly "engaged in a fraudulent scheme to obtain money from a multi-level marketing company."

"Based on the review of these journal entries, affiant believes that, in addition to evidence concerning artifact collection, purchase and sale, forensics experts will uncover evidence related to the fraudulent scheme," Bureau of Land Management Special Agent Daniel Love wrote in an affidavit obtained by KSL Newsradio.

A message sent to attorneys listed as representing Redd was not immediately returned Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the FBI says it is providing security protections for its much-touted confidential source who wore a wire and implicated the 24 defendants in the crime.

"It's always something that we take into consideration," FBI Special Agent Juan Becerra told KSL Newsradio on Wednesday. "The hazards, the potential hazards, the safety of the source."

Federal officials refused to discuss what specific steps they have taken to protect their confidential source, who is expected to be a witness in any upcoming trials for the 22 remaining defendants in the case. Becerra acknowledged that some precautions have been taken, noting that similar steps are taken for other witnesses in federal cases.

"There's always a concern, and that's why the precautions are taken," Becerra said.

In court papers filed in U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City, the FBI described the source as "a major dealer of archaeological artifacts over the past 10 years."

"The source has an extensive number of contacts who actively deal in archaeological material to include excavators, dealers and collectors of stolen and illegally-obtained artifacts," the documents say.

For the past two and a half years, the source helped the FBI build its case against 24 people. The source apparently wore a wire -- audio and video recordings are in the hands of federal prosecutors.

The FBI would not say whether its source was forced to cooperate in their investigation or if there has been any blowback because of it.

If there was, the U.S. Attorney's Office for Utah wouldn't say either. "We can't talk about that," spokeswoman Melodie Rydalch said Wednesday.

Becerra said there has been no threats made against the source. "We haven't received any kind of indications that way, and we monitor it closely along with the United States Attorneys Office," he said.

The U.S. government's round-up of 24 defendants in the Four Corners area has come under scrutiny, especially after two defendants -- Dr. James Redd, 60, and Stephen L. Shrader, 56 -- committed suicide. The deaths have prompted politicians and community officials to call for an investigation into federal tactics.

FBI Special Agent in Charge Tim Fuhrman and U.S. Attorney for Utah Brett Tolman have defended the actions, saying they were necessary for officer safety and noting that some of the defendants had access to firearms.

Arrest warrants and search warrants were served simultaneously in a dawn raid to also prevent evidence from being destroyed or disappearing, federal authorities have said.

The 22 remaining defendants are accused of involvement in the theft of rare and ancient artifacts from native lands in the Four Corners area. Some have already entered not guilty pleas to the charges.

federal agents were heavy handed?...pffffffft...I don't believe it !!!

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

What's your real point Rus? just sounds like two suspects could not bear the shame of being caught and took the easy way out. Happens to be more common then you might think if the person had a reputation of being a outstanding citizen in the community.
Do you condone the desecration of Indian burial grounds?

I think its pretty obvious that they were killed by the spirits of the Indian Warriors whose graves were robbed....
Actually, I wasn?t trying to make a point just asking a question. As 1911 points out there is more to this story than was 1st reported.

I'm a little surprised at Law Enforcements response to this activity. Many of us here at MM have been calling for stiffer penalties for poachers etc. In my book these people are just like poachers so I guess they deserve what they get.

The sad part is these are tight knit communities and the scope and result of these arrests will have a big impact on those communities.

>I think its pretty obvious that
>they were killed by the
>spirits of the Indian Warriors
>whose graves were robbed....

That's the angle I was going to take Tony! Many un-explained deaths get chalked up to suicide, but the tribe members know different! Don't you boys!!

Robbing graves = bad medicine!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

I clearly remember several years ago of stories in the newspapers that the Feds would be cracking down on illegal artifacts being taken from federal parks and lands.
I guess those guys failed to read the stories and continued with their thefts. It happens to be far more lucative then poaching game animals. That may be the reason it was given priorty over poaching, and the fact our Native Americans was a bit upset about it. I would be too if some Adam Henry dug up & rob my ancesters' grave.

Heavy handed? The woman was put in a cell, hand-cuffed, and wasn't able to use the toilet...OOOOoooooooohhhhhh! That's almost like being a prisoner of war and having water dripped on your forehead...or having bamboo jammed in your fingernails! PISS ON THE FLOOR YOU IGNORANT DUMB-ASS!!!

I don't feel any pain for those that took their own life. We live in a country that allows us that freedom. They probably couldn't bear being away from their families when they go to jail......

The Dr. probably wasn't making enough money stealing from our insurance companies so he had to find a side job.

>Heavy handed? The woman was put
>in a cell, hand-cuffed, and
>wasn't able to use the
>toilet...OOOOoooooooohhhhhh! That's almost like being
>a prisoner of war and
>having water dripped on your
>forehead...or having bamboo jammed in
>your fingernails! PISS ON THE
>I don't feel any pain for
>those that took their own
>life. We live in a
>country that allows us that
>freedom. They probably couldn't bear
>being away from their families
>when they go to jail......
>The Dr. probably wasn't making enough
>money stealing from our insurance
>companies so he had to
>find a side job.

That is a coldhearted,ignorant assinine thing to say! Do they deserve to be held accountable for stealing artifacts? Sure if they are proven guilty. Are you saying you have proof the Doc was committing insurance fraud? Call the fed's and fill them in. If not, try shutting the hell up! Bet his family isn't going through enough without idiots like yourself saying crap like this! You are pretty tough hiding behind a computer like some 13 year old kid. Drive down to Blanding and see how that community is handling losing a husband, dad, friend and doctor who helped countless folks! But that would require a set of testicles which you clearly lack!
"But that would require a set of testicles which you clearly lack!"

I have testicles....but not nearly as many as the DR. has in order to take his own life. Guilty or not, he obviously felt the pressure and didn't want to go through the embarrasment of a trial. You want to talk about family and friends? I'm not the one who killed myself and left my family and friends. Does that make sense to you?

Regarding the insurance comment- it's common knowledge that doctors are the reason our insurance premiums are so high. It is doctors that create the elevated health care. Who do you think reaps the benefits?

They do need to be proven guilty...if he was innocent he shouldn't have taken his own life. If he was guilty he shouldn't have taken his own life. Those that commit suicide are cowards in my book. You can agree or disagree with me....that is your choice. I believe it's a sin to take ones own life. It is tragic but life will never get so bad for me to commit the ultimate sin.

You are barking up the wrong tree. There's only one person responsible for the pain that your or his community is feeling. That one person is the one who is not with us any longer. I think you are the ignorant one.

If I lived in Blanding and knew this guy, I'd probably be hurt as those that live there are. However, I'd also be wondering, "why"?

I swear all those arrow heads in ky night stand are fake, every single one of them. I also never had thoughts of digging up my grandma and taking that rock off her finger either. I swear im a good guy honestly.


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