What Range finder Do you use



What range finder are you guys useing? I was wanting to get the RX 1000 but i was told the TBR only goes out to 60 yards for bowhunters?
Leica 1200CRF. It's light and compact. Work well in varied conditions.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
I have the Nikon 600 for archery and it is about 4 years old and has worked great up until last month. It will now only range from about 17 yards to about 24 yards and not every time either. So I sent it in to Nikon for repair. They sent me a repair cost sheet. It's gonna cost me $134.00 or a little more for them to fix it. Said that isn't under warranty. Im like WTH?how can a range finder that doesn't range not be covered under warranty? I got to have it back and soon so I am getting it repaired. In the meantime I am contacting them and asking about it. Anyone else have the same issue with repairs?

>leica for me crf 900

+1 Same here Leica crf 900. It's simple to use,
works great in any light and I have never had
any problems with it.

There may be better ones out there with more
features but I'm kind of a simple thinker and
for me all I want to know when I point it at
something and push the button twice is how far away
it is.... just my .02's...

I hate it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President.
>I have the Nikon 600 for
>archery and it is about
>4 years old and has
>worked great up until last
>month. It will now only
>range from about 17 yards
>to about 24 yards and
>not every time either. So
>I sent it in to
>Nikon for repair. They sent
>me a repair cost sheet.
>It's gonna cost me $134.00
>or a little more for
>them to fix it. Said
>that isn't under warranty. Im
>like WTH?how can a range
>finder that doesn't range not
>be covered under warranty? I
>got to have it back
>and soon so I am
>getting it repaired. In the
>meantime I am contacting them
>and asking about it. Anyone
>else have the same issue
>with repairs?

I knew there was probs with them when i saw a website trying to sell gobs of refurbished ones...so i stayed away
Ok so here?s what I got back from Nikon. I paid the $137.00 for repairs and shipping, I got the range finder back yesterday but instead of the Nikon 600 I got the Nikon 550. you think they would have told me that before paying for the repairs. At first I was a little ticked but this model has the archery angle in it for tree stands which my other one did not. So it seems for 137.00 dollars I got a new 2010 range finder that runs for $199.00 out of Bass Pro advertisements right now. I think I paid $250.00 roughly for the old one. How did I do, would you be satisfied?

This is what Leupold website says about the RX-1000 TBR:

"TBR is effective to 800 yards for most rifle cartridges."

I looked at all the rangefinders at BP a few weeks back. Leica is out of my price range. The Rx-1000 w/TBR had the features I was looking for. Long range, LED display, and TBR. BP wanted $400. I found the same one on Hayneedle.com for $315 w/free shipping. It should arrive today.
I have the RX 1000 TBR and the 60 yard only TBR claim is accurate. It will give you readings out further than 60 yards on bow mode, but it will only be the straight line distance.

So far I really like mine, but I have only had it for a couple of weeks.

It does get washed out a little in high light conditions. The glass collects so much more light than the Nikon rangefinders in low light conditions.
I usually just fire a couple sound shots over the animals. I also like to use tracers if I can get em. It usually isn't an issue cuz if they're in range of my spotlight they're in range.

I used a Nikon one time and found there isn't much that's in range in Nevada. Haven't used one since and I get more shooting.

:) :) guess that's what happens when you ask a serious question on the campfire.

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