what now?


Active Member
Fellow comes home from work early goes upstairs quietly - not
wishing to disturb his wife. He is tired and just wants to catch some sleep so crawls straight in to bed. He is surprised to find her there under the sheets. After some preliminary action they settle down to some heavy, eager, and most enjoyable sex - actually the best in recent memory.

Later as he comes downstairs he sees her busy in the kitchen. He tells her: "You know, I have to be the luckiest man in the world. You have just served me with the most fantastic sex and here you are, fifteen minutes later, diligently peeling potatoes to make my supper. You are the most wonderful wife"

She responded: "What the hell are you talking about?"
He said: "Now, don't be coy. You've got to agree that what we just had upstairs was absolutely memorable"
She: "You must be out of your freaking mind"
then ..... "Oh #####!" ..... she remembers that her Mother was
visiting and was tired so she told her to lie down in their bedroom upstairs.

She confronted her mother, angry as Hell: "Why the Hell didn't you say something to him?"

The mother's response: "I haven't spoken to that man in ten years and I wasn't about to start now"
I guess the next thing to do is find out if his wife has a hot sister? A family that plays together stays together:)
>Sick and wrong! Sick and wrong.
LMAO!!! I love it! Roy's gonna have nightmares for MONTHS now!! Hee hee hee!!! HILARIOUS!!!
"I guess the next thing to do is find out if his wife has a hot sister? A family that plays together stays together"

You kill me boz...LMAO!!


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