What killed this goose????


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-12 AT 07:06AM (MST)[p]Tired of the same old fix the deer in Utah threads? How about a little guessing game?

What killed this goose?

Hint....it wasn't a shotgun or a wolf!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-12 AT 07:29AM (MST)[p]Don Peay, SFW, Huntin' Fool, Mt. Lion, Eastman's, somebdy in a chute plane, CWD, a trophy hunter, zebra mussels...you?
I used to fly south for the winter...then I took an arrow to the knee...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-12 AT 07:43AM (MST)[p]Keep guessing. I am sure somehow it could be indirectly linked to sfw! lol! But so far no one is close.
Had a brawl with a fence coming down for a landing? One of our birds got split open pretty good after he got hit and came down into a fence this year.
If it a california goose I would say a drive-by shooting got him.
OR he was a hit and run victim.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
chronic wasting disease,

or got a little coyote ugly after drinkin with the other birds and woke up next to a big ole swan, he'd rather chew his leg off than wake up that swan

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-12 AT 08:50AM (MST)[p]It was run over by a rickshaw pulled by an Asian woman with a white guy in it mumbling something about SFW stealing all his nonres tags.
> I used to fly south
>for the winter...then I took
>an arrow to the knee...
>"Therefore, wo be unto him that
>is at ease in Zion!"
>2 Ne. 28: 24

I was gonna say that too...but then I took an arrow to the knee and couldn't ;-)

Apexmtnman (406 posts)
Feb-21-12, 08:49 AM (MST)
14. "RE: What killed this goose????"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-12 AT 08:50 AM (MST)
It was run over by a rickshaw pulled by an Asian woman with a white guy in it mumbling something about SFW stealing all his nonres tags.

I wonder who you are talking about, LOL! My guess is that it either flew into a window or more than likely hit the driveway when it was wet thinking it was a creek or river. Years ago down in Indiana a whole flock hit a newly paved blacktop highway that was wet in the moonlight thinking it was a river and there were dead birds all over the road.
Looks like he got his neck snapped by the Aflac duck and afterward his knees were clubbed by Tonya Harding (who used to date Ryan Benson).
This goose found the secret club house and went back over with a trail cam strapped to its chest trying to collect some photos but was seen circling around and Founder threw a full beer can at him making him losse control and crash to the ground. Camera has yet to be located...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-12 AT 10:11AM (MST)[p]The winner is.......nobody! It was a school bus!



The bus hit this goose on I-80 @65 mph. It was taking kids to summer camp. The goose broke both windsheilds and wound up in the step well! Even though it is laminated glass the glass shards went back 15 rows.The driver was cut and kids were covered in glass! If they can take down a plane, a bus is small potatos!
Its a FACT......

Chuck Norris round house kicked this Goose from the South back to the North, when a drizzle of Shiz fell from the sky onto his waffle, while filming his new movie; "The Sun Never Shines Through This Beard" near Phoenix. (Also starring Zach Galifinakis, as Chuck's "Beard!")

?-ERock-> ?
NO I win it was a drive-by and a hit and run combined.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-12 AT 00:26AM (MST)[p]I don't know what killed it but I do know what went through it's mind just before it died. It's a hole.
We really got luckey that no one got any glass in their eyes. The worst thing that happened to the kids was they were delayed about an hour getting to camp.

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