What is your job??

  • Thread starter mywifeishotterthentiffany
  • Start date


This might have been done before but its time for an update. I farmed for 17 years. 6 years ago I started my own construction company and 2 years ago in January I bought a flooring store and turned it into a home renovation center. I would love to here what you guy's do. Tiffany

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
unemployed adult film actor.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-09 AT 02:09PM (MST)[p]Certified welding and process piping inspector.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
What is this "Job" that you speak of?????? I have vague memories of getting up early in the morning, then swinging a hammer, could this have been one of those "Jobs"?

Local 88 union sheetmetal worker......specializing in food service and commercial kitchen equipment fabrication and repair.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
45s maid need I say more;) just kidding honey.I am full time certified house cleaning, Dietitian, Bus Driver.LOL
Molecular, electro, biochemical, nuclear, geological physicist.


I'm an adult film actor. Hence the nickname "Eel".


Sawfiler. Partialy responsible for cutting about 2 million board feet of lumber a week.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
once upon a time i was a radar/flight test engineer, then i became an electronic warfare engineer, then i was a semiconductor product engineer, now i dont know what i do other than watch equipment in the middle of absa-frekin-lutely NOWHERE!
i am a cook (not a good one), housekeeper (not a good one) babysitter (ok at that), shuttle bus driver, child psychologist, mediator/referee/bouncer, soon to be pooper scooper, i am also stinkys secretary, bookkeeper for one of his companies, stinkys personal delivery girl, stinkys personal stripper and stinkys very exclusive and expensive, well you know.....:) And im worth every dime, right baby???? LOL[font size="22"]

As of Friday (the 13th), unemployed. Sure has taken the excitement out of hunting season. I can't bring myself to go out of guilt.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Joined the Navy in 1974 (the Army recruiter wasn't in his office), got tired and quit in 2007. Now I just sit on my stool.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Sanitation management. You gotta problem with that? You will sleep with the fishes...........
I was a commercial Project Manager until 9-25-09......Now I'm employed by the state unemployment department at the tune of $475.00 a week. I haven't collected unemployment in 20 years so I'm liking it way to much! At least that's what the wife says!!!!
I keep telling her I look for a job sometime in the spring!
proctologist, My fingers are huge and massive!(right hand is Dr Wiggles Worth and left is the 2nd opinion...Dr Jackel!)

Sorry to hear that Eric - cheer up bro, killing an elk or deer will help out.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Please don't tell my Mommy I work in the Oil Patch!
She thinks I'm a Piano Player in a NV Whorehouse!

I've coached since 1971. I taught public school 31 years, and now I coach at a small Texas college. But mostly, I'm Ruthie's general flunkie!!!

Sr. Marketing Manager for a Mfg. company out of PA. I travel extensively in the Western US. I get to live right in the heart of GREAT elk country and still make good money....I love my job!
I am a realtor... And I LOVE IT ! ! !
I also work for VIPoptics.com


It's all about the good times...
LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-09 AT 11:14AM (MST)[p]Construction equipment salesman
Ditch Witch Dealer
Belshe Trailers
and a few other odds and ends

Aim Center Mass
Geologist/Water Resources. I deal with water quality and regulatory issues for an irrigation district. In Calif, anything with regulatory issues is lifetime work.

Where do I start? I have many.

First and foremost, I'm a mom and a wife. I chase my 4 kids around to baseball, football, basketball, rodeos, wrestling, academic competitions, and volunteer at their schools, go on field trips, chaperone events and do class parties.

I also have a little production company in which I voice and produce radio commercials and on-hold messages and other audio files in my home.

I also write, help publish and sell ads for a local Uintah Basin magazine called The Edge. It's just 2 moms putting it together in our homes, but it's an awesome magazine (and pics, stories and ideas are always welcome. [email protected]). Our September cover was actually a photo taken by a MM member, Forkwest. Awesome pic and awesome cover shot! (Jake...I hope you got your mags. If not LMK!)

I also maintain a website for a local radio station (well 3 of them, actually). I'm in the process of building a new one right now and it's quite frustrating.

Then in my free time...... LOL

I'm a busy girl. No wonder I can't sleep at night. That's why I'm thankful for my MM buddies who cheer me up on a daily basis. :)
RACK that was so dang funny. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. You remind me of my old Flight Surgeon from my days in the U.S. Army. Some time I'll have to tell you a real funny story of a joke he played on me and various other Army Aviators.
I am an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Spanish at Austin Community College in Austin, Texas and I am still a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Texas at Austin, but will be finishing soon (don't ask me how soon though), then I hope to get a job as a an Assisant Professor of Latin American Literature at a place closer to home and the mountains.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I clean up Eel's mess, I make sure his saws are sharp befor they go into the sawmill.

"If it moves shoot it again"

I like Deadred7o7. He makes me look good!

Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
so your gonna train to fight with a cage? Is that what you do when you go to jail or do you just fight any ol cage?????
I wear several hats. During our slow winters, i'm employed making a good buck as a hit man by a very select group of almost maximum preference point holders of highly sought after big game tags and the rest of the year, among other interests and seemingly hobbies, i'm a licensed plumbing contractor.

Who's thinking that they can draw Heneries this year? :)

>I operate a nuclear power plant.
>If quizzes are quizzical, what are

I KNEW IT!!! :)

I work for USC as a program manager for their school of engineering. I had worked for IBM for 25 years and took a early retirement in 2000.
Retired just over 8 years ago now, damn sure wish I could remember what I was doing before that time.

Oh, I was a Substation Maintenance Electrician here in Kali and don't miss it at all, especially the winter months, and come to think of it the same for the summer months too.

Retired 3 yrs from being a structual Ironworker (erecting steel on high rises & bridges) I'm really learning to love this retierment life.......Jim
Sports Psychologist. Professional athletes are just as messed up as everybody else!


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