What is Wyoming wilderness area


Active Member
I was just looking at units to put in for and I noticed their are some areas that have "Wilderness Area" areas where you can only hunt with a guide or a resident. Just wondering what is the purpose behind this rule. Not knocking the rule just more interested then anything.
The stated purpose is to protect the the non-resident hunter from the bears and other hazards of the wilderness. But if you live in Wyoming for a year that automatically qualifies you to be a competent wilderness hunter even if you have never hunted before.(Must be something in the air or water)

If you have guided in Alaska for 30 years you still aren't competent to hunt in the Wyoming wilderness.

Like BuzzH said, it's Outfitter welfare. If they were really concerned about the hunter's well being they would make all hunters take a class.

And I don't want to slam Wyoming, they still have some of the best opportunities for NR of any state and I plan on being there this October.
I also agree with BUZZ on this one, must be something in the water. If I were a rich non resident I would challenge it. Kinda scarey that a resident who lived in Wyoming for 30yrs could get a promotion (move out of state) and then have to hire a guide to hunt his/her fav holes. The wilderness is generally getting pounded by outfitters so its not like the residents flock to those areas anyway, at least thats my experience with the wilderness.
Its welfare which really seems to irritate some. Same way ranch/ag industry welfare irritates me because they leech around $94 bill a year from the American taxpayer. Sorry I digress. Either way, pick yer poison...
feduptwo---It's been challenged in court and Wyoming won!

Triple_BB---Would you please briefly explain what you mentioned, as I'm not quite up on whatever you are talking about. Thanks!!! I know the ranchers pay so much per head per month for grazing rights on BLM and National Forest Lands, but I don't think that's what you are talking about.

I realize that it has been challenged whoever challenged it would have to appeal it and take it farther than it went last time.
Ag is heavily subsidized but so is every other corporate interest in America in one way or the other. Some ag subsidizes benefit sportsman like the CRP program.
The Wyo wilderness guide reg is one of those deals that is whacky unless you are a Wyo res or outfitter! I grew up in Wyo and hunted the wilderness for elk as a greenhorn youngster. I made some mistakes back then and am pretty lucky to be alive! Now that I moved away I'm a bit older and brighter but I can't legally hunt that same public wilderness I did as a kid without a guide...seems pretty weird to me.

Also, it is legal to hike, camp, backpack, bird and small game hunt inside the Wyo wilderness but not big game hunt. Doesn't exactly seem right but it's been a law since time 1 and if you are a nonres you are screwed!

I sure would like to hunt dall sheep, grizz, and so on in Alaska without a guide...but it's the same raw deal up north.
I might try to shed some light on this law, as there seems to be much confusion about it. Trust me, I'm not defending it, just explaining it.

People need to understand that national forest or wilderness designation of any land does not guarantee you the opportunity to hunt. The states grant you that opportunity regardless of land status. The wilderness guide law is a state statute that uses the wilderness boundary as an "arbitrary" boundary for defining the state law. They could just as easily say you need a guide "inside of Teton County", or "the Hoback Drainage", etc. That fact that it is the wilderness boundary confuses people, many thinking they have certain rights to publicly owned land. However, it is the authority of the state to establish laws for hunting and fishing, and this one says you need to have a guide inside the "arbitrary" boundary.

This law was challenged and it was immediately dismissed, because essentially any challenge of this law is a challenge of the States Rights Doctorine, an established Supreme Court case.

Anyway, I know it is unpopular, but the WY state legislature would have to change this one, and that will likely never happen.
Yep, and I knew it was basically thrown out on the states rights issue. That's the one state's rights law I don't like, LOL, because it only applies to one segment of the population!!!

Have your rancher buddy sign off for you...you can hunt wilderness all you want then.
Doesn't the RANCHER have to be with the NR at all times in the Wilderness hunting??

I don't agree with it but here's something to consider.

Would you rather Wyoming limited it's nonresident quotas to 10%?

Right now almost 50% of wyomings tags go to nonresidents!

Nonresidents in Wyoming have it pretty good.

"Dear MacGuyver, Enclosed is a rubber band, a paper clip, and a drinking straw. Please save my dog." Peter Griffin aka The Family Guy
LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-11 AT 02:11PM (MST)[p]BuzzH---Thanks for that tip, but I just met the old man and his wife when we helped them survey an intended new fenceline this past September near the public land I always hunt and it's a couple hundred miles from any of the Wilderness areas. I'm hoping to get to know them better and maybe do some more work for them this year in hopes of getting access to their private ranch that looks pretty good. Therefore, I wouldn't want to ask them to do that and we would both be violating the law like kilowatt mentioned. Anyway, I don't really care to go over where those friggin grizzly bears roam, as the wolves that are coming our way are bad enough! I hear those bears are as ornery as I am and we might not get along too well together, LOL!!! If we ever do want to hunt a Wilderness area, I have two buddies that are residents (one shot that big 357 3/8" bull I posted)and either could file the proper paperwork with G&F to hunt it!
PeterGriffin---I couldn't agree with you more and that's why I feel like it's my home away from home going back there once or twice every year to hunt like I do!

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