What is this? (PICs) 1948


Very Active Member
So many of you saw my backcountry hunt report from a month ago.


While back there I came across and old and secluded camp about 14 miles from the trailhead. There was a fire ring that barely showed through the encroaching forest floor. An old, and I mean old, set of hand made hobbles tucked in a rock crevice. And I also saw the neck of a bottle poking through the, years and years of, fallen pine needles. Pulled that sucker out and this is what I found.




Bottle reads:

C&B Co.
Vernal UT - Steamboat Springs CO
10/48 (Which I believe is October 1948)

What little I was able to dig up on Google, shows that there was infact a Calders & Brothers Bottling Company operating out of Vernal during the 40?s and 50?s. That's about all I've been able to come up with.

Anyone have any additional info. Was it Soda, Beer, or something else? I asked my sweet ol? Grammy and she didn't know what it was. Just curious, it's a nice conversation piece to add to the mantle anyways.
My mom said it was just a soda bottling place. The Calder's still live in Vernal and I can put you in touch w/a guy who probably knows about it. Want to call about it? Let me know.

Those old bottle are pretty cool, and sometimes worth alot of money. My dad and my uncle dug a bottle out of the sand in like 15 feet of water in Hawaii like 20 years ago, and my dad saw a similar bottle for sale in Park City for like $300.
I was born in Oct. 1948 so it wasn't me who left it! LOL!

That's a great momento to keep as a reminder of that beautiful country you were in!

My boy found and old "Pop Shoppe" bottle in Grandpas old place a week or so ago. I wonder how many of them are still around?

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