What is in a MM handle??


Long Time Member
I know it has been a long time since we seen this but my memory is not as good as it use to be.

1. Where you from
2. What dose your handle mean how did you come about it?
3. How long have you been on MM
4. Married? Kids? Job?

I am from Ogden, Ut.
Been here longer then I can remember. lots of years. Not sure. I think MMs second year.
My handle I was hunting and spied this ol buck. Drew down on him and had about 3/4 lb. squeeze on a 2 lb. trigger. When the ole buck jumped up on the back of a doe. Didn't have the heart to shoot after that. Figured he was a lucky sucker. I will never forget that buck.


1. Reside in Pioche, NV, a historic mining camp along US 93 in eastern Nevada.
2. NVPete, my namesake, and I love Nevada, having spent many years living in and visiting a lot of the state.
3. 1 and a half yrs. posting or just looking at site.
4. Retired from Nevada Parks Division in 2008 after continuous service from May 1973 until October of 2008. Raised two children in Elko area, and two in Pioche area. Actually did three separate stints in Lincoln County; May- Oct. 1973; Oct. 1976- Oct. 1986, and Feb. 1999-Oct. 2008.
I especially love spending lots of time in Nevada's Management Area 231...great deer, elk, feral horse,antelope,country!
cjboz= initials in my name except for the Z
From = Outside of Redding Ca, now live in N. central Texas
Lurking and posting on MM for about 5 yrs
Married almost 2 yrs the 15th of this month.
No kids yet
Job = Fuel jobber,C-stores, propane, and cattle. Also a crane vending machine business on the side with a buddy(yes we take your kids Quarters with a smile) LOL
other hobbies= arrowhead hunting, predator calling and MM
51 years old, live just north of Abilene, TX. Took my handle "Phantom Hunter" from the old calvary fort near my home, "Fort Phantom Hill". Married 25 years and been wastin time on MM for years.

Phantom Hunter
Justr_86 came from not being creative and seeing justr on a cheap pair of computer speakers and the year I was born. I'm 24, live in Northeastern Utah. Work in the oilfield but do mechanic work on the side. 2 kids, married 4 years.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

Killerbee-, should have been KILLER-"B", the name are traditional family hunting party always called me. "B" for Brian.

married 9 yrs TODAY, 2 awsome kids! 1- 3yr old girl, named "DANNER" 1- 1 1/2 yr old boy named "chase"

i build houses, from the ground up. most every part of the house. minus plumbing/electrical/insulation.

i'll be 32 on the 17th of this month.

been raising hell on MM for 3 yrs, but i believe the last 6 months have started to go alot smoother, maybe i figured i should quit being quit such an as$hole as much :) mostly when i found out alot of these guys are old enough to be my dad/grandpa. so "respect your elders" has to come in a little i suppose. ( but dont push your luck:) )
1. Well I am orginally from West Virginia, lived in Abilene Tx (so I know where Lake Fort Phantom is there Phantom) for 7 years, lived in Anchorage, Alaska for 4 years. Now here in a few weeks I am going to be moving to New Mexico.
2. My handle is where I grew up, the fact that I mostly bowhunt, and where I am currently living at (although I am probably going to have to change my handle to something that won't change much anymore).
3. I just recently joined a few months back. Like this site quite a bit.
4. Married 10 years this August, one little boy age 6, and I am currently in the USAF (but I am separating here in a month and a half, so I will be looking for a job).
50 years old

Married to a great outdoors girl, we live next to BLM above Palisade, CO No kids, just the little white dog and an overweight cat.

I manage a Foundation Seed Program (Mostly Pinto Beans hence the handle BeanMan) and am also site manager for an agricultural research farm near Fruita, Co run by Colorado State University.

My Wife and I hunt, mountain bike, camp and do just about everything together, I got real lucky. She had just finished backpacking the Colorado Trail from Denver to Durango when we met. She also had more guns but I have corrected that problem.
I am 30 something. Tall, dark, handsome.

My screen name comes from the fact that as you guys are going out the front door to work I am sneaking in the back door to see your wives.

I don't work because I don't have to. The wives take good care of me. Occasionally I act as pool boy or fix it man if one of you husband types comes home unexpectedly.

I live in your neighborhood.

Married? You wish.

Kids? I don't know.

I have been on MM for a few years but I mostly just lurk to figure out what your pattern is and where you hide the good liquor.
I am originally from Orderville Utah. I now go to school at USU where I am studying wildlife science to be a big game biologist. I love archery, and shoot a Hoyt AM 32 with a 5 pin wrapped Spot-hogg sight and I love my Easton arrows. I have been married about a year and the wife contemplating children seriously. I was working as a custom framer at Hobby Lobby here in Logan but now I am going to work the summer at Willard Bay.

Spent seven days in the Frank Church wildness on a elk hunt.On one evening hunt I called in a bull moose with only my hands. Did not get a elk but it is still the best hunt I have gone on.
LAST EDITED ON May-05-10 AT 09:35PM (MST)[p]I live in NC

completesportsman - because I completely enjoy all outdoor sports, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, archery, muzzleloading, rifle, handguns, deer, elk, turkey, grouse, reloading, etc. etc.

Been on MM's since 2006 I think

Married 11 yrs....I think:), 2 girls ages 2 and 4, I am an estimator/project manager for a HVAC company

I'm 34 and I'm not gonna let old age get me....ever!
27 years old and I live in Centralish UT. I'm engaged and will be married in the middle of June. I'm obsessed with archery hunting and I hunt all over the state, mainly only deer. Mule deer are the most challenging to me so that's what I like to hunt. Also love to shed hunt. I've only been on MM for about a year or so. I work as a bridge/construction inspector, and go to school full time for Civil Engineering.
Live in Pocaetllo, Idaho. Was married a long time to a wonderful lady.....who had some kind of breakdown after the death of a son.

Been single for 5 years.

GB22 my initials and athletic-team number from school days.

Hunted my whole life...mule deer being my favorite. Have done fairly well.
Use rifle (favorite), handgun, muzzleloader, archery...would use a spear if there were such a season.

Recently left the banking business.....guess I'm retired although it seems like I'm too young.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Been in Salt Lake City , Utah for about 25 years .

Foundation , was in regards to my favorite breeding of quarter horses . I wanted Grulla as a name since its my favorite color on a horse , but it wouldn't let me use it .

Been on MM for a few years , and lurked for a few years before that .

Single , gives me more time for hunting , riding horses , and shed hunting . LOL

Deputy Sheriff for 18 years now . Lucky for me I get to work in the mountains , and get paid to play on snow mobiles , wheelers , and watch critters .
rugarm77, should have been Rugerm77. I blame that on the computer, lol. My favorite rifle is my Ruger M-77 300 win. I have been in Salt Lake County 39 years now.

Been on MM for several years now, it is a great place to visit especially during down times at work.

I work intake at the Jail cleaning up after 1911 and Foundation. IMO Processing is the best part of the jail to work, always interesting and fun.
LAST EDITED ON May-05-10 AT 11:59PM (MST)[p]My name is Steve and I'm a recovering.....oh, wrong forum!!

I got Wiszard from a guy on my high school soccer team. My last name is Wisz (pronounced Whiz-not Wise). His name was Arturo...but I called him the Burro...just because it rhymed!

Been on MM for about 7 or 8 years now I think. I like it.

I'm 38 years old. Married for 14 years...4 kids...daughter 18, daughter 12, daughter 11, SON 9! Got my son!! My kids are great....and way smarter and cuter than yours.


Forgot...I live in Santa Maria, Ca. It's about 3 hours north of LA and 3 hours south of San Fran.
I'm a 47 year old Native Arizonan. My handle came about in 2008 when I found MM. Yes, I knew within 5 minutes of posting that I had spelled Tagattractor wrong but oh well, I could have been Rugarm right ? In 2008 I drew Archery Deer in Nevada, Antelope in New Mexico, Archery Elk in Az , unit 10 Antelope in Az for the first time in 34 Years and a 13B Strip Deer Tag so Tagattracter seemed appropriate. I am married with 3 grown Sons that are all out of the house now so life is good.
I'm originally from the Basin, lived in Roosevelt and Vernal through high school. Went to USU for a while, then Weber State. Currently living in North Ogden.
I am quite uncreative, I just used the first couple of letters from my first and last name. I have been an active member for a couple of years, lurked for a couple more before that.
I've been married for 4 1/2 years to my high school sweetheart. We just had our first kid in October, Carson is seven months old now, and he is awesome!! We are best buds.
I'm a Tool & Die Designer / Machinist / Automation & Design Engineer. I wear a few different hats...

Nocked N Loaded
Lol, Just giving you a hard time Rug. You probably don't want to hear this but last year I drew the 13A Archery Strip tag. I am sure to have used up all My luck so think twice about putting in with Me.
jack is my name. been here since 98 started posting in 2000..
I live in san jose,ca..mm name comes from groundzero from 9/11 and 257 is my favorite rifle!
I am a machinist! deer and ducks are all I do! I have a son 16!
love to hunt southern Utah and southern Wyoming when drawn!


>jack is my name. been here
>since 98 started posting in
>I live in san jose,ca..mm name
>comes from groundzero from 9/11
>and 257 is my favorite

lol...no one asked about your email address....dork

explain "rackmaster"



great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>jack is my name. been here
>since 98 started posting in
>I live in san jose,ca..mm name
>comes from groundzero from 9/11
>and 257 is my favorite
>I am a machinist! deer and
>ducks are all I do!
>I have a son 16!
>love to hunt southern Utah and
>southern Wyoming when drawn!


Alrighty then...???
LAST EDITED ON May-07-10 AT 01:28AM (MST)[p]Lets see I'm currently in Utah close to Ogden

Been married almost 14 years to 1911. :)

We have 3 kids 2 girls and a boy

My name was given to me by my family, because Im very competitive, and they think I always let my temper (Red hair) as they call it get the best of me.

The 77 was so I could be AWESOME like Rug;) LOL

Been on MM officially 2 years almost.
I love this question.

1. Where you from- The Basin, but you already knew that, Rut. Some loudmouth accosted you in KFC one day and told you to get control of all your damn kids didn't she? LOL (that was funny, btw)

2. What dose your handle mean how did you come about it? TripleK- it does NOT mean I'm a card carrying member of an organized hate group, but sometimes I let people think that. I have 3 boys whose names start with K. It's a mom thing. That's all.

3. How long have you been on MM- Been on MM since 2005, I believe.

4. Married? Kids? Job? - Yes, 4 awesome kids, 3 boys and 1 girl, who do every activity under the sun (from band & strings to Math olympics, science and History Fair and drama to tumbling, baseball, football, rodeo, basketball, wrestling and lots more) So, obviously, my main job is chasing kids, but I have a great voice and a degree in Communications so I also produce and voice radio commercials, on hold messages and do other voice work. I get asked to emcee events quite often (if it's talking into a microphone I'll do it. I LOVE that and most people hate it so they call me to do the mic talking part). I also do some work for a local radio staion/broadcasting company and I write for, sell, and help produce a monthly magazine called "The Edge Magazine". I also substitute teach. Other stuff I do in my "free" time includes- coaching, cheering, chauffering, and volunteering in Headstart, at my kids schools, and in my community and church. I'm a busy girl.
1. Born in Colorado; spent my best years there. Going back to the southern part of the state soon.

2. Did time on AD with the Navy and now as a civilian. Health Care Scientist was my field.

3. Hmmm...about 4-5 years, I think since I first logged on.

4. Married for the first time in 2001. We have two kids; one is 10 and is a hadfull; adopted from an abusive POS family. The other is 27; my wife's by a first marriage.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON May-07-10 AT 11:32AM (MST)[p]I picked BuckSnort cause HUNTREZ was already taken..

I like Unicorns, porn, porn with Unicorns and long walks with my beach...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
1. Born and raised in SLC, between the age of 12 and 21, spent 7 summers in Idaho working on a spud farm.
2. Derived my name from shooting my first few deer and elk in that respective area.
3.Plumbing Contractor going real broke.
4.Been reading and occasionally posting since 2003, where in Kuwait I found a peice of home here on MM.
BuckSnort that was funny. This visual that I got when I read "porn with unicorns" did it for me. I about soiled my shorts from laughing so hard.


1. Where you from? I'm a 42 year old 4th generation AZ native.

2. What dose your handle mean how did you come about it? My last name and the seven is my goal for points on a bull elk. I dream about dropping a 7x7 someday.

3. How long have you been on MM? 3 years I think.

4. Married? No. Kids? I don't really know. Job? Banker

1. Where you from?......Crazy Southern California

2. What dose your handle mean how did you come about it?.......BOHNTR= die hard bowhunter....it's also my personalized license plate.

3. How long have you been on MM?......about 12 years.

4. Married? Kids? Job?.....all the above.

BOHNTR )))---------->
I'm from northwest california. One day my daughter showed up at my house with one of them new fangled contraptions called a computer. She set it up and taught me a few basics (with me kicking and screaming the whole time). The very first website I visited was monstermuleys.com (I got it from Trophy Hunter Magazine). I decide to sign up on the forum and when it asked for a "screenname" I thought it was like a code word or something so I typed in "eelgrass" and POOF! here I am.

I think I've been here at least a year, but don't remember for sure.

Married with one daughter and three grandsons. I'm a saw filer at a local sawmill, 27 years there.

I'm WAY younger than Kilowatt.


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
1)From: East Texas-Corsicana to be exact.

2)Handle origin: My name is Clay Beard. Real creative,ain't I?

3)Been on MM about 2 years or so not really sure.

4)46 yrs old.Married 21 years to my beautiful wife Tammy.2 girls-Shelby is 16 and Sarah is 13 and they are beautiful too and the light of my life. I am a trial lawyer by trade-specialize in representing landowners whose property is taken by eminent domain for government projects. When I retire Feleno will be famous by then and I plan on being one of his roadies....
LAST EDITED ON May-07-10 AT 09:25PM (MST)[p]Lets see name comes from hunting and having the fever, anything open i prob have a license or tag for it....Grew up in southern idaho i am 30...in 98-03 was in the marines..initial invasion in iraq, swore i would never go back...from 2005-2007 i was in the army did another few months in Iraq... got the misfortune of being stationed in 29 palms, california ...and the blessing fort carson colorado...i am currently seperated waiting on a divorce...so any you guys needs a good hunting hard working future son in law look me up ha ha....have 2 kids emma 4 in november, and garrett 5 in august...


has anyone seen my kittie
1. Where you from? In Northern Cali where the Redwood Trees and the Russian River meet.
2. What does your handle mean how did you come about it? Kilowatt....retired from the Electrical Substation Dept. of a large West Coast Electrical Transmission and Distribution Co.
3. How long have you been on MM? Like my far northern "buddy" Mr. Eelgrass saw the advertisement in Trophy Hunter Mag. 10 years ago and joined up. Damn, some times I wonder if I made the right choice in doing so.
4. Married? Yes, almost 43 years to the 2nd wife. Kids? Yes, one daughter from my first marriage. Also have 2 Grandkids and 3 Great Grandkids. Job? Neck NO, been retired for 8-1/2 years now and have no desire to go back to work...lol
And Eelgrass and Ransom just like to harass me when they can, that is alright I give it back too.

>AT 09:25?PM (MST)

>Lets see name comes from hunting
>and having the fever, anything
>open i prob have a
>license or tag for it....Grew
>up in southern idaho i
>am 30...in 98-03 was in
>the marines..initial invasion in iraq,
>swore i would never go
>back...from 2005-2007 i was in
>the army did another few
>months in Iraq... got the
>misfortune of being stationed in
>29 palms, california ...and the
>blessing fort carson colorado...i am
>currently seperated waiting on a
>divorce...so any you guys needs
>a good hunting hard working
>future son in law look
>me up ha ha....have 2
>kids emma 4 in november,
>and garrett 5 in august...

>has anyone seen my kittie

Are you a man or woman? You never know on these forums. Just jokin'.

1. I'm from Southwest WI.

2. sagehnter? Well sagehunter was taken and my best times hunting have been crawling through that sweet smelling stuff.

3. 2004 I beleive, don't post much but read a lot, you guys and gals have been a wealth of entertainment and knowledge.

4. All of the above, Married 10 yrs. two daughters who love to help butcher deer and a wife who loves hunting as much as I do. Job? Oh yeah I earn money for hunting in the Ag buisness.
From Southern Calif all 45 years.
Flycrewsupe comes from I am a Fire Captain who responds to wildland fires on a helicopter and I'm the supervisor. Been in the fire service for 26 years. Couldn't ask for a better career.
Been on MM for 10 or so years. Lots of lurking not must posting, I do get a laugh out of the old time favorites.
2 boys are 12 and 9 who I have just introduced hunting to this year.
1. Where you from; The small mountain town of Chester in Plumas Co, North Eastern Calif. Mt. Lassen and the Feather River are almost in my back yard.

2. What does your handle mean how did you come about it?; I love hunting the sage country, have steady been hunting and taking good bucks from all over the western states since i was a young man. Felt that i could contribute up some of my experiences when i signed up, so, sageadvice

3. How long have you been on MM; couple 2 or 3 years. lurked before that.

4. Married? Kids? Job?; No, No, Plumbing Contractor at present but i've worn many hats! :)

From: Elk Ridge, Utah
MM Name: 2 fold - Outfitting business name and/or full of
A marriage of 21 years has produced 4 incredible daughters.
I put people back together for a living.

It's always an adventure!!!
1. Where you from:
I'm from the western US, float around between a couple places
2. What dose your handle mean how did you come about it?:
Like Rugarm I typed mine wrong initially. I was tired when I signed up and meant to put FeelingOld. Or its Italian for smart@ss.
3. How long have you been on MM:
2-3 years??? Seems like a helluva lot longer.
4. Married? Kids? Job?
Married for many years, 2 girlfriends, probably a few kids somewhere but none that call me "dad". I work in marketing/shipping. I do prop comedy, aspiring stand-up, published cartoonist and all around jokester.
1. Where you from?
Southern California but I spent most of my adult life in San Jose and I grew up in Sacramento

2. What dose your handle mean how did you come about it?
Well I really wanted the handle HomerJ but sadly it was already taken so I had to settle for Model_70_Guy. Truth is I hunt with, collect, and have always been a pre-64 model 70 fanatic so that's why I choose that name.

3. How long have you been on MM?
Not sure, probably 4-5 years.

4. Married? Kids? Job?

Yes, second marriage, two daughters, two step-daughters, and three grand children (1 girl and 2 boys). Worked at IBM in San Jose for almost 25 years and took a early retirement in 2000 and relocated to So Ca and went to work for USC's school of engineering as a program manager.
I have been on MM for a couple of years. I live in Utah County. I have been married for about 15 years. I have 3 sons ages 5 to 11. Troutsniffer came from one of me and my sons' favorite movies, The Sandlot. I do anesthesia for a living.
1. I am 39 and live in MT
2. I just thought it would be a cool name and spark a little at attention. In my own oppinon I think she is hotter. It is all in good fun.

3. I started on MM in 99-01 I think under a differnt name.I am not sure about the name. Then was gone for about 5 years and now I am back.

4. married 7 years with 3 kids and now remarried for 10 years with 1 daughter and another on the way.(may 26th)

I will save you from asking for a picture.


"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
1. Where you from: Originally born and raised in Utah, but the Air Force took me to calif where I chased blacktail and mulies for 30 some odd years.

2. What dose your handle mean how did you come about it?: Pretty simple, it's the best way I found to hunt the blacktails in the thick nasty stuff, slow as a snail stillhuntin'!

3. How long have you been on MM: Been lurkin for a while, but signed up a couple months ago to give LuLu a hard time ;-)

4. Married? Kids? Job?: Not any more! :> Have 3 boys and a beautiful daughter, with 5 grand daughters! :eek:
This is a cool post

I Live in midvale, I commute to springville for work. Was raised in a few utah towns but most of my school was out in the uintah basin.

I have had kawboy as a nickname since highschool, I rode dirtbikes all the time, I always had a kawasaki. out of all my riding buddied I was pretty redneck, so Kawboy stuck, it just looks funny when you write it, they call me cowboy.

I recently became addicted to MM I have been on for a few months, it is fun to see what other people think about different subjects

I have been married for just over 4 years, we had out first baby 8 months ago, Girl, Cutest little girl, a lot of fun, I also have another reason to buy some more guns. I work for the gas company doing everything from ditch diggin to working on furnaces.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
1. Where you from?
Bluffdale, UT
2. What dose your handle mean how did you come about it?
Some dude I worked with called me andymansavage
3. How long have you been on MM?
9 years!
4. Married? Kids? Job?
Married for 7 years, 3 boys, Client Services Manager for the printing and imaging division of a large managed IT outsourcing company

1. Where you from?
Raised and live in southwest ID.
2. What does your handle mean how did you come about it?
I have a business bigcreekmetalworks.com hence the handle.
3. How long have you been on MM?
Just a year or two
4. Married? Kids? Job?
Been married for 10 years and have a 7 year old boy and 3 year old girl. Both the best kids ever and love them more than I can say. My wife says I only married her for access to her dads ranch. Of course shes right but we will keep that our little secret. kidding
1 - Raised in Wellsville Utah, moved to Hawaii, then to Preston, Idaho. Now I've been in Perry, Utah for the last two years.

2 - I've hunted for 32 years with a longbow that's 63#s and it's a 60inch longbow.

3 - I think about two years.

4 - Currently getting divorced. Four kids. Mechanic at a diaper factory in Ogden.

Hobbies are bowhunting, rifle hunting, longrange shooting, photography camping and backpacking.
I'm 48.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
1. Where you from?
Uhhhmmm... Nevada. The town where you guys send your applications.

2. What does your handle mean how did you come about it?
I like bighorn sheep. Bowhuntswitharifle was taken so I settled.

3. How long have you been on MM?
Forever I think

4. Married? Kids? Job?
Married to my "first wife" since God was a boy. :)
Three kids, a girl and two boys, one darling grand daughter.
I have several jobs, some that pay and some that don't.

Did I mention my darling grand daughter?
I grew up in Davis county Utah and now live in Uintah, Utah...
I love to elk hunt with a bow hence the handle
Im 58 years old and hope I can continue to hunt for many years to come.
Im Married and have 9 children and 23 grandchildren... My boys hunt and hope they pass it on to their kids!
1 Born and raised well sorta in saint george utah 36 years.

2 Handle, I shoot a 338 ultra mag and i love long range hunting, and aparently recoil.

3 Married, Happily to my best friend 14 years, 3 great kids 2 boys, 1 tomboy.

4 This family suffers from a predator addiction.

Born in minnesota , have lived in southern utah for 10 years.

The ox is becasue my last name is oxenrider(no joke)

been on here for a couple years dont remember exactly/

I am currently a Mason, however planning on going to school this fall to find a more productive and in demand job haha

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