What is Everybody Thankful for this Thanksgiving.



I am very thankful for a healthy family a nice house, and very nice neighbors,a church that my family enjoy going to and be able to have the freedom to hunt and own guns.

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody here at MM.
The usual healthy family thing, boobies and losing a job that was holding me back. Now I am free to move ahead and make a much better life for my family.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Yup a big +1 on the boobies Eric!!

I'm thankful we live in a place where we can hunt such awesome animals!! Thankful we have MM and for the awesome group of guys n gals we have on here!! Hunting season may only last a few days to a few months but this site allows us at any given time to enjoy pics, vids, and stories of all types of hunts which builds the anticipation for our hunts to come!! :)

I'm thankful for my MM buddies who make me laugh on a daily basis and who help me through the stress of daily life.
mostly to be alive. Almost died a few times and some days its just good to wake up alive. Aside from that, family, friends and the great outdoors.
I'm thankful for the guy that invented gunpowder, so I can go into the wilderness and bring back the most expensive meat on earth, venison.
I read the Obituary in the paper each morning to see if my name is there, if not, then I am thankful I made it another day and the family will be happy too.

Be glad when the day is over and down to good turkey sandwiches each day for lunch. Now how am I going to sneak the left over turkey out of my neighbors house without them seeing me do it?

Have a great day everyone and stay healthy!


I'm thankful that we still have some of our freedoms left and I have the freedom to say... well never mind.....

you live not far me dude, i'm in W,C

Happy Turkey Day.......
I'm thankful for green bananas. They give you hope that you might live long enough to see them get ripe.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Not to far from you manny I live CP, happy turkey day ,god bless you and your family.

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