What if.....(cass, rock, turtle question)



Just a hypothetical question here...

Dont know if yall remember the post from Cass where he posted a pic of his dad stalking an elk or not, it was a biggun back in the day. Everybody thought that it was a rock! They hounded poor Cass for quite a while.

What if it was actually a turtle? What if they were already hooked on turtle hunting but just didnt want to tell you guys about their honeyholes? Hypothetically, if it were a turtle, Cass' dad would be considered one of, if not the bravest man on MM. He was right on top of that thing!

How does this change things?


PS This is all in good fun, Cass is one of my favorite people on MM, I am just etremely bored sitting here with a broke foot

You may be on to something........Maybe it was a giant tutle that ate his film from another post that he promissed pics :)

How long did the doc say to stay off the foot?

Drum, I think you are on to something. They have known about this for quite sometime and wouldn't share with the rest of us. Hmmm....
I have wondered this very same thing time and time again. Could we have been wrong to call him on the rock? or turtle.. I think maybe we made a mistake................


Later, Brandon
>>I am just etremely bored sitting here with a broke foot

"Badgering the witness" getting old ? LOL I still chuckle at that story...true or no...
Drum, I have said it before but here it goes again "your a thinker"!


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