What have you found.



Just wondering what people have found while out in the wild. Anything weird or cool?

One time I found what it looked to be a hippie or homeless persons house. It was about 5 miles back in the uintas and I must say he had the place decked out. Heck he even dragged a house toilet up there. The person wasn't there when I ran into kin of wish I could have seen or ment the person.
Found a pot farm once, about two hours from the truck. Kinda scared me and my partner, walked right into this guys camp. Socks hanging from wires, tooth brush, and toothpaste sitting on a rock wall next to a fire ring. I'm sure that guy was right there the whole time. It really screwed our hunt up, we backpacked in and were going to set up right there. We'd been there the weekend before, but came in from another drainage, never saw this guys camp, but did see a huge buck. We couldn't connect, so planned to come at him from a different way. That doper ruined our hunt, we camped over the next canyon, that night, but still slept with one eye open.


rode a quad up american fork canyon and found a tent with nothing around it way up on top by mineral basin... went to take a look and there was a guy that overdosed on meth, dead in the tent.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-11 AT 07:32PM (MST)[p]A number of years ago while my wife and I were out shopping garage sales, I found this young lady in a halter- top, that was fixed up pretty darn well. She insisted I buy something from her but I could not see a thing I wanted. She then took me in her garage and said everything is for sale.

I looked up on one of the shelves? and there was a 5 man Springbar tent. I ask her what she wanted for it and she said $40.00 bucks. I ask if she would take $20.00 and she said sold.

I thought that was quite the find, and really I think the woman was pretty wild, from the way she was dressed. So in the wilds I found a good tent.

Have a good one. BB
We have found up in the Uintas several camps that looked like someone had lived in for a long while but had abandon them.These camps were all on the south slope Uintas.
I found this out east of Salina back in 2000 and took advantage of it while there.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-11 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]Quite a few years back my buddy and I were scouting/hiking for deer. We came across an old vehicle.. maybe 1940's or 50's. Nowhere near a road and I'm telling you..if you saw it you would have to believe it fell from the sky.. right in the middle of a mature forest. I still can't grasp how that thing ended up there..

I never find anything cool.
Only beer cans and lot of these plastic case on trees people just leave behind.They work a lot like a camera I'm getting a pretty good stock pile of them.LOL
I found a rifle, about 1 mile from the road, remington model 700 .270 with a leopold scope. After a year at the sherrif office and a year of restoration I shot a nice buck with it this year

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
We found the rhoades mine in rock creek with bars Spanish armor and cannon balls. Don't look for it cause it's hidden real good and it is being watched.
Found the shoe of the pilot that smacked into a rock face up by where I hunt..


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3 or 4 weather balloons..mailed them back in and they'd write back and tell me when and where they were launched from..
I found lots of bomb and shell fragments (we didn't touch them) while on a desert sheep hunt in Nevada, north west of Vegas. We had a couple of jets fly by so close that we waved at the pilots.

Found lots of sheep horn sheaths too. Most were quite rough and old.

We found a huge ram the night before the hunt...never could find him again but still killed a 168" battered old ram.

Nothing too weird for me though.

A couple of hunting knives, some binocs, a 1926 NV lic. plate, a party baloon near Pioche (launched from Bakersfield, CA),another that said "Congratulations, Graduate!" up on a peak in the White Rock Mts., a spent .50 cal casing in the wilds of Elko Co.(probably from WWII-era plane out of Mtn. Home, ID AFB),a new fawn curled up directly under my spread feet when I glanced down!, some old line-shack ruins in pretty remote areas, evidence of old CCC constructed flood control dams, A F-111 crash site, my new eyeglasses at the bottom of a 50-ft. cliff, two wks. after I'd lost them, and then found by accident and luck!, a bunch of nice antlers by just plain luck in finding them,a guy hunting shed antlers in 42" deep snow on snowshoes(?)when out snowmobiling,a man I'd first encountered at the base camp of 4th Inf. Division in Viet Nam; met again in the Red Rock Area NW of Las Vegas, pottery shards and a few arrowheads and spear points, an 1870 bitters bottle, a couple of 1870's whiskey bottles, a 1918 soldiers canteen, a 1920 silver teaspoon,a really old Hercules Powder Co. box,...probably more unusual stuff, but these are what jog my memory most!
So,don't know if this counts as "found"....

We have 2 lifted and powerful 4x4 pickups on a old, rarely used mine road, into this remote spring.

Took us hours to get in there, lots of road rehab and moving some serious rocks.

When we finally got to where we wanted to be.......there was an Olds Delta 98 and half a dozen naked, dirty, ugly, hippies already there.

To this day, we have NEVER found another route in.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I was out deer hunting near Magdelena, NM several years ago with my son, who was 4 or 5 at the time. We were driving down a forest service road several miles in, and he started complaining that he needed the bathroom. I stopped and told him to go behind some bushes. He wasn't happy about having to go out in the woods without the comforts of home. He reluctantly went, and comes out behind the bushes with a big smile on his face. He gets in my Jeep and says "Dad, how did you know that bush had a bathroom?" He took me over there, and sure enough, there was a toilet somebody had left out in the middle of nowhere - freshly used. I laugh every time I think about it.
Weather balloons, hunting knife(schrade LB7) folder, old home places in the absolute middle of nowhere, bits of plows, a 49 ford pickup cab, moonshine stihls (old and new), marijuana field.
The scariest was the time one summer I was riding my 4 wheeler in a place back home in Bama called "Gulf Holler". I came around the corner and saw a guy turn, look at me and simultaneously pitch a white billet about 24"x12"X3" off down into a shallow ravine. I nodded and kept on riding as if I saw nothing.I made it up out of the valley and went another 1/4 mile and stopped and listened for a looooong time. Still, to this day I cant believe I went back (young,looking for adventure) and found that billet. I turned the 4-wheeler off and got off to retrieve it and heard what sounded like 2 atv's crank up. I looked up on the mountain and saw 2/3 guys on 4 wheelers headed my way in a real hurry!!!! Needless to say I got the hell out of there. Later on I found out that valley was a drop site, planes would fly over at night and the dealers would pick it up later.
Sometimes I wonder how I've lived this long,thinking of the things I've done and situations I've been in.That day, as always I had my .357 revolver on my hip and thought I was bullet-proof. stupid, stupid, stupid.
The Boss up stairs has kept an eye on me I guess.
Had a friend find a 8" sex toy while out shed hunting, he had it propped up on my seat when I showed back up at the truck..........I cant believe he touched it and put it inside his rig, but it was pretty funny.

There have been a few posts on MMs that have more stories. One post had a link to another site (I think it was a fishing forum) that literally had hundreds of stories. I tried to find it for you but was unsuccessful. Hopefully someone will read this and either remember the MM post with the link or the other forum w/ all the posts. It was great.
This year while out shed hunting I found a digital camera that was hanging from a piece of sage brush about three feet off the ground. It had sat there all winter. When I got home I put new batteries in it, turned it on, and it works perfectly! If you think it is your camera , send me a pm, and I will gladly return it.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
Just a few months ago out on the AZ Strip , my fiance and I were shed hunting and my fiance yells over to me saying "Hey , I think I found something cool" !!!! I go over to where she is at and sure enough, she is holding a early 1800's brass belt buckle lined w/ gold , and in the center of it was a round dark purple glass bubble . It had sat under the sun for so long that the glass turned purple . We took the buckle to a reknown antique store and appraiser . Due to it's great condition and lined w/ gold and design , this early 1800's buckle appraised for $28,000.00 to $35,000. 00 !!! I about S##T myself . obviously a awesome find and one hard to beat .
I was sheep hunting in the Owyhee area in SW Idaho. I was using a huge rock for shade and a glassing backrest. I turned to my brother and said "this is such a great spot that we can't be the first hunters to have used this rock".
I got up and looked around the rock and found a perfect, white colored, Native American arrow head. I love stuff like that.
We definately were not the first hunters to have used that spot!

BTW: I have a buddy that drew the tag this year. He's coming to my office next week with his maps. Maybe I'll show him where that big rock is.

I've kept the buckle and put it in a safe deposit box right away !!! Back in 1992 during a scout camp , a friend of mine and I were looking for rattlesnakes when we came across a wash w/ old human remains or bones that have been exposed due to ground erosion . in an arm bone which the bone was like cardboard , was a 2 1/2' arrowhead . I kept the arrowhead but turned in the finding of bones to my scout master . The scout master called the local police department , then the police detectives called archeologists . I made the News Papers about the find !!! But careful scrutiny determined the Indian remains to be about 1500 years old . About 3 or 4 years later people on horse back in the same vicinity found more indian remains and one archeologists excavated the area they determined that there had been a war between 2 diffrent kinds of indians . since then archeology has intrigued me , and I've found lots of cool stuff over 16 years .
Lots of neat old homesteads. Found a cool round hut made of stone about 15' tall with a pole holding it up at the center. It was about 30' in diameter at least and far, far, far away from a road. When I was 9 or 10 my dad brought home a human skull he found in a box in the basement of his work and brought it home. He took it to the crime lab in Ontario, OR and they determined it was an indian over 100 years old. Came from near Emmett, ID is the story. Dont know why he brought it to our house but he never got in trouble for doing so. I remember I wanted to take it to school for show and tell but my folks said no way. Found an arrowhead after disking our field next to our house. A guy was digging post holes on a ranch I worked at in Utah and dug up a human skull. He broke right through the top of it with his tamping bar. Found a cool rusty old can nailed to a tree with mine claim papers inside it from the 40's also in Utah. My friends grandpa dug up a cannonball with his plow up willow creek out of Payette, ID. Heavy little thing. According to historical records the cavalry had a battle(s) with the indians in that area. Found a neat steam engine on a little flat in southwest Idaho way out in the hills. Steep hills. No clue how they could have gotten it up there. It had been sitting there so long it was sunk in the ground a good two feet. Had some kind of other implement close by.

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