What has the press got against the Jazz?


Very Active Member
So who watched the game last night on TNT? Who has read the articles on ESPN and SI this morning? It was strange listening to Sir Charles last night talking up the Jazz, while watching footage of McGrady hitting shots and making blocks. The majority of the discussion has been around how amazing McGrady has been, and how crappy the call was against Scola, and what a miracle it was that Corver hit that prayer. I wonder when the sports media will give some credit to the Jazz and not pay homage to the grandiose images of McGrady. You know its gonna be the same thing when the Jazz take the Lakers. . . its gonna be Kobe this, Kobe that. Gag. Yeah, Im whining about it, and Im ok with it.
T-mack this T-mack that I say T-mack take a seat and watch the Jazz in round 2
The Jazz could have really put themselves in a chance to go to the finals this year but they couldn't put week team out on the road. With home court advantage they could have gone all the way.

The next round will be tough Utah can't seem to get a road win for what ever reason with the spurs. Go Phoenix

Then theirs the Lakers! The west is so tough this year.

It gets hard being out of town and only being able to watch the teams from the east play. Who the hell cares to watch a bunch of sub .500 teams compete?


Archery is a year round commitment!!
I love it when the Jazz play the Lakers or someone like that. The highlghts are "Kobe with the three!" "Kobe....and one!" "Kobe with the dunk!" "Kobe with the steel!" "Kobe with the block!" and then the last 2 seconds of the highlights....and the Jazz win. NEXT...
ya too bad the jazz lost three of four to the lakers this year right???? o ya, and all by double digits. the jazz are overrated, and the only reason they are beating the rocket are because they are missing yao ming and raefer alston. that's the starting center and point guard. they are so depleted right now. and the rankings are by john hollinger, the self prclaimed biggest kobe hater alive. And that was a flop and a horrible call last night, that skinny russian barely got touched and jumped like a lil *****. that three would have been the difference in the game. but i dont mind if the jazz win, because they will play a real team in the next round and get sent home to play golf.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-08 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-08 AT 05:17?PM (MST)

To me it made no sense the rockets even took the 3-point shot after the "flop" as I heard the whistle blow before McGrady even passed the ball across the court to the shooter. Play was over. Must have been why the Jazz left him so wide open...
no he was soo wide open because the entire jazz team collapsed on mcgrady in the corner. good one about the whistle, because there is no way you heard it. they were talking about that on espn today, about how the crowd was too loud to hear the whistle. and watch the replay, the foul didn't get called until ak started throwing a fit like a little baby. and derron williams was in jacksons face when he shot, so don't say they stopped playing.
You are funny-tell me how the Jazz are overrated??? Please give me one example of how the Jazz are overrated. I agree that the next series with the Lakers will be extremely difficult for the Jazz, but I believe they are the best equipped team of anyone in the West to take down Kobe and company. The Jazz can play any style necessary (grind it out, uptempo, halfcourt offense, etc)and have a deep enough bench to give teams fits. And you can never count out Deron Williams. It will be a fun series to watch!!

Also your take that "the only reason they are beating the rockets are because they are missing yao ming and rafer alston" is laughable and ignorant.

Who did the Jazz play last year in the playoffs? OH YEAH, a completely healthy Rockets team WITH Yao Ming and Rafer Alston in the lineup.

Who won that series? OH YEAH, the Jazz in Game 7 ON THE ROAD.

It is a fact that the Jazz are a better team this year than last. The only difference in Houston's team from last year is Luis Scola, who is a good player but is not a series or game changing player, so your logic that the Jazz are only winning this year's series due to Yao and Rafer being out is completely ignorant. The Jazz will sweep the rockets without Yao and Rafer. If Yao and Rafer were playing the Jazz would win in 5 or 6. Bottom line is that Yao and Rafer are out so it is IRRELEVANT!!!
The Lakers are no doubt a good team. But that doesn't keep me from hating Kobe, Phil and any Lakers fan.:) I like the excuses that come up when a team loses. If my memory seves me right, the Jazz beat Houston last year WITH Yao. In reality, the Lakers scare me. They are good, but lets pray they don't make it to the finals!
It actually is a bigger difference that alston is out. he came into his own as a point guard this year. he keeps the floor spread out a lil bit so that t-mac can penetrate. An yes the Jazz are a good team, but they aren't gonna make the finals. And they aren't the best equipped to take out the lakers, they dont match up. boston is the only team that mathces up against them. And don't think I like the Rockets, I'm a Lakers fan. And not one of the bandwagon jumpers either. Thats been my team since i started watching basketball.
You're a Laker's fan?!?!?! I would have never guessed. The Jazz match up with the Lakers a lot better than you think they do, especially without Bynum coming back.

The Jazz have the clear advantage at point guard and power forward and Lakers have the clear advantage at shooting guard and slight advantage at small forward. The center position (Gasol vs. Okur) is a toss up with slight edge going to Gasol, however if Okur hits his shots and continues to rebound like a maniac, he will be tough for the Lakers to deal with.

I wouldn't be so confident Laker fan. I think the Jazz will give the Lakers everything they can handle and more, especially if the Jazz sweep Houston and Dwill can get some much needed rest for his hurt butt!!

BEAT LA!!!!!!!!!!!!
clear advantage at point and power forward??? d fish can handle d will so there isnt as clear advantage there as you think. And power forward?????????? Lamar Odom is no scrub and Boozer cant stop him. our small forward is vladimir radmonivich(sp) and he can take outside shots and drive and rebound. Ak will have a lot of trouble with that and will get outmuscled. And only a slight advantage for Gasol?? man I wanna smoke what you are smoking. Okur cant stop him. And one more thing, WHO IS GONNA GUARD KOBE???????? I know there isn't anyone in the league that can stop him, but there is noone on that team that can even slow him down.
Classic Laker fan-spouting crap with no substance. Dfish can handle Dwill huh?

In the four meetings this year between the Lakers and Jazz, Dwill averaged 23 points and 7 assists to Dfish's 11 points and 4 assists = Clear Advantage to Dwill

Boozer missed one of the 4 meetings to injury as did Odom, but in the 3 games they played, Boozer averaged 22 points and 13 rebounds to Odom's 15 points and 8 boards = Clear Advantage to Boozer

Don't forget Kirilenko had the best game of his entire career against the Lakers back in November dropping 20 points, 11 rebounds, 11 assists, 6 steals, 4 blocks, and 0 turnovers. AK has been known to slow down Kobe in the past as well.

I agree no one can stop Kobe, not even innocent young women in Colorado.
ya, but elkhunter, who won the games??? I do believe the lakers did 3-1. And if you watched the Lakers tonight, you saw what's coming for you. How bout fourty nine points and ten assists for Kobe Bryant?
I'm an avid Jazz fan, and I can say with or without Yao and Rafer, Jazz win the Houston series. I can't stand the lakers, mainly because of the girl raper Kobe. It's all about the Kobe show, he only cares about whats good for Kobe. I'd love the Jazz to win, but they won't, and if they start to win the refs will make darn sure they won't! Had it not been for the Gasol give away trade, and I still can't figure out how that happened, the lakers would be in big trouble. I'm picking lakers in six games, but I'll be praying for a miracle.
Just had to say I like how you think you know what I heard- because the commentators didn't hear the whistle the television microphones must not have picked it up either. But enough about that subject...
How bout those Jazz? Cant lose at home to the lowly Rockets! ha ha ha where did the sweep go? an boy was I right about Raefer Alston! Skip To My Lue was on his game last night!
Nobody on this topic said Jazz would sweep 'em. Someone said "if" they sweep 'em Deron can get some rest and someone else said without Alston they'd sweep but with him they'd get them in 5 or 6.

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