What happened to BOHNTR?


Long Time Member
Its been a long time since I've seen anything commented on by Roy Grace aka BOHNTR------->. Is he ok? Anybody know what's up with him? Just curious...

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Maybe he is busy with his work and no time for MM these days, lots of nasty weather all over Cali.

Well maybe he getting ready for all the inmates they are fixing to let loose, like reloading a bunch of bullets.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
He just posted up this morning in the archery forum. How many hours a day do you have to be on here to be considered a regular anyway?
A regular? I'm not sure but I hadn't seen his name anywhere for months. Usually he's around on the AZ or CA forum and just haven't noticed him posting anything. Probably just busy.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
That's for the other thing...

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Hey- I just noticed that NVB and I have just about the same amount of posts. Cheers!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>I thought regular meant once a

It does. And if not once a day try eating more shredded wheat.

i'll bet you notice more and more of the old crew just signing off.
if you think about it, roy is a stud muley hunter, and really this forum has become a dissgrace to those type of people. i think the the guy is at or way above the level of cameran, chuck, lee OR typhany.

hell this site used to have , maybe, the best muley hunter in this world. and basically all the bitching ran him off.

how do you feel about that?.-- pathetic i think
Geez.... We're all the best Muley Hunters in the World...grab a Hankie and MAN UP!!!....HEHEHE
Browtine may be right.....Roy does wear a gay, floppy hat while hunting.....

As far as him leaving due to some of the BS on the site- I don't think that's the case. Roy is probably as thick skinned as anyone.

He is a great hunter and that is why I asked about him. He and his son always seem to fill both of their tags (Ca) each year. He's a respectful guy with tons of knowledge. He's given me some tips and advice on a few things and I may be hitting him up about some AZ info. Selfish me....that's why I posted this. Gotta make sure he's still out there somewhere. :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>Browtine may be right.....Roy does wear
>a gay, floppy hat while

Ouch! Hey now Steve, that's my signature "old school bowhunter" hat.....you know you want one! :) Maybe I can talk Brian into selling them on the site with a MM logo on the front. Just might be a top seller since they are the cutting edge for bowhunting fashion.

Thick skin here amigo.....heck, it's the internet no reason to get all worked up. I just don't post much on the latest internet rheoric that seems to prevail lately. Doesn't interst me much.

Honestly, I don't check the campfire section here too often. I'm only here now because of the PM's I received telling me to get over here and defend my honor and hat. :) That is unless ol' Bess starts putting it to the "stickflickers" shooting those "easy" 100+ yard shots. Then it becomes classic entertainment I buy a ticket to. :) I can count on him to carry out my thoughts on that subject.

Carry on boys, and order those camouflage bucket hats as soon as you can......they're a dying breed.

BOHNTR )))---------->
He wears that hat to hide the horns hes growin,too many years chasing muleys!
Come on Cole, I need some back-up right now.....don't help Wiz out. :) And as I recall, your years chasing muleys are probably not too far behind mine. Sport the ol' bucket hat just once Cole.....it will bring you good karma! :)

BOHNTR )))---------->
I'd hate to say it, Roy, but I think you're right on throwing an MM logo on the front of one of those hats. They probably would sell...just make sure you get some sort of royalty out of the deal. I know 1911 would be first in line to buy one. He really thinks he looks good in them. :) Pretty soon every guy living in Kona who thinks they can hunt and fish would be sporting one.

Well, it's good to see you're still around. I may pick your brain later in the year about a thing or two. Good luck on your hunts this year. Although who needs luck when you've got as much skill and know-how as you have. (Yes, that is a selfless compliment sent your way in the hopes that you'll help me out later). :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police

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