What happened cavs fans?


I thought the Cavs were unstoppable...Explosive first half, 49 from the king, and a 70 foot 3 pointer from Mo that they should have counted as 5 pts cause it was so far out.....This is a series now!
LAST EDITED ON May-21-09 AT 05:22AM (MST)[p]not really a Cavs fan but it is only game 1. Thats why they play up to 7. Cavs in 6, Lakers in 6.

Lakers vs. Cavs.... Lakers in 7
True...everyone thought LA was done when they lost game one to houston. Both series are getting good. As tough as the four teams are, they could do a couple more game sevens.
It just the start of the battle not the end of the war

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I'm not a Cavaliers fan, but I am a James fan. I'm thinking this isn't over by a long stretch. mtmuley

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