What great news this morning, wow!!


Well boys and girls, my ship has finally came in, i'm about to retire at the ripe old age of 41.
I'm feeling so generous now that i think i'll even help out old Ed McMahan during his financial struggles.
Now i can buy those big auction tags!! ;-)
He's what i received this morning-

"I am Jim Leon. , an attorney at law. A deceased client of mine, that shares the same last name as yours, who here in after shall be referred to as my client, died as the result of a heart-related condition on March 12th 2005. His heart condition was due to the death of all the members of his family in the tsunami disaster on the 26th December 2004 in Sumatra Indonesia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake
I can be reached on ([email protected]) for details.
My late Client has a deposit of Eighteen Million Dollars ( US$18 Million) left behind.
Best regards,
Jim Leon.
Attorney at Law
TEL: +60 122 473 440
[email protected]"

It's incredible CS, you get this one yet in your email today???
Everyday i get something like this, there must be a bunch of suckers out there that fall for these!!

"A deceased client of mine, that shares the same last name as yours"

Slam, we must be related because I got the same email!!! Are you my dad?
Lol....Brett....i just may be!!

I took up one of them Viagra offers CS is talking about, who knows who elses dad i may be, i wouldn't dare toss a rock into the school yard!! Lol

Wait 30 seconds I'll jump over to my Hotmail account without even looking and know there will be big $$$ waiting. Stand by.
Here you go, I've recieved way too much cash from these offers lately, I don't have room under my mattress anymore to stash this offer, any of you are welcome to it.

From Mrs Naomi Khalida Oraya, Dear Beloved In The Lord, Greetings in the name of the most high. I am the above named person, I am married to Mr. Rodolfo Oraya who was a very successful businessman in gold mining and sellings based in UAE and Kuwait before his untimely death in the year 2005 precisely on 10th February after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. I am contacting you to let you know my desire to establish a charity foundation in your country with this sum US$7.3Musd (Seven Million ThreeHundred Thousand U.S. Dollars) which I inherited from my late husband (Mr Rodolfo Oraya). It is my desire to see that this money is invested to any organization of your choice in your country and distributed each year among the charity organizations, motherless baby home, mosques, churches, Schools, supporting destitute aged men and women or whatever you may have in mind that will be to the benefit of the less fortunate. I took this decision because I was raised from a motherless baby home before i got married to my late husband. Unfortunately, We were marriedfor eleven years without a child and presently, I'm hospitalized where I am undergoing treatment for my up coming breast cancer surgery operation but the one that disturbs me most is the high blood pressure sickness. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply with full assurance of your willingness to help me, I will give you all the relevant information of the box and contact of the security company where he deposited the trunk box containing the money. I will also issue you an authority letter that will authorise the release and delivery of the box to you as my duly assigned representative. Thank you in advance for your consideration and I hope to hear from you urgently. Remain blessed.Mrs Naomi Khalida Oraya.
Naomi K. Oraya [email protected]
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-08 AT 12:16PM (MST)[p]Must be somebody gettin' cash off of these.....I am going to try it.

Hello, my name is John Wiseman.

I am an attorney representing 6 ranchers in southern Colorado. My clients hold title to over 70,000 acres of land that has NEVER been hunted since the Colorado gold rush.

There are so many elk, deer and antelope, on this property that any type of agricultural endeavor is doomed to failure.

Fences are constantly being destroyed and there is barely enough feed for the existing cattle.

Our plan is to have hunters come in and thin these herds down to a manageable level. The State biologist believes that we are home range to at least one dozen 400" bulls and possibly over 60 deer exceeding 200".

We will begin the process of selling hunting dates and the available landowner tags we have been alloted by the State as soon as interest is shown. The fees we are adjusted to at this time are; $750.00 for bull elk, $500.00 for mule deer and $250.00 for cow elk.

We have depredation tags for the antelope and paid hunters for deer or elk may take 2 antelope at no cost.

You are being selected to recieve an opportunity to hunt this property because you have been a successful hunter and have an excellent record.

We have produced a 40 minute video that you can view and decide if you would like to come and help us with our problem.

If this proposal is of interest to you, please forward the sum of $250.00 to us. This money will cover the cost of the video, and will serve as your deposit.

If you decide to accept our offer, your $250.00 will be deposited in your name as advance payment on the total fee package.

If you decline the hunt opportunity, return the video for a full refund....no questions asked.

Please respond to this email for furthur instructions.
nickman, that's cruel! You didn't post the address where I can send my $250.00

Count me in! Can we hunt this year? Let me know.


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