what goes around.........


Very Active Member
Last Saturday was opening day of my last tag for the year. I have very limited time for this hunt so I was wanting to make the most of the day. My friend and I hiked about 3 miles into a big basin that we thought we could get away from other hunters. When we got there we noticed a guy way down in the bottom of the basin obviously dragging something. He was with his teenage son and struggling to get the deer out of there and they only had small day packs and a LONG way to go. My friend and I always carry our big packs when we go in more than a mile. We decided that we would spend the rest of the evening helping these two quarter this deer out and lug him out of there for them. They REALLY appreciated the help to their truck. Probably saved them from a midnight pack out.

The point of this post.....After getting down to him I realized that it was the same guy that really helped me out on my elk hunt earlier in the year. He showed me on maps where to check out, told me of bulls he had seen, wallows, etc even though he had the same tag later in the year. It felt good to repay the help. You just never know when it will come back to you.
Hey marley?

Send me your cell number please?

You missed out on one Hell of a drag/pack job a couple weeks ago!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
It always helps to pay it forward!
Great job Marley...and everyone else in the hunting world that would do the same thing!
Feels good to help people out. My brother and I found 2 people that were LOST on the opener of the deer hunt. We sent them in the right direction, found them heading the wrong direction again about an hour later. Kawboy and I took their packs and took them to their trucks, I really belive we saved their lives.

A couple of years ago I stopped my hunt one day to help a young man find his deer he shot on an archery hunt. He drove past me as I was glassing and asked where he could get cell phone service. It was about a mile up the road. He left and on his way back looked kind of sad. I later found out he had no help, no-one to come and help, no knife, no pack and no experience but I did not know that at the time. I just saw the long look on his face as he slightly waved and drove by. I found his truck parked and found blood right away. I managed to track both he and the deer for a ways and then his footprints disappeared but I was still finding blood. I stayed on the blood trail and drew arrows in the ground for this kid to follow provided he circled back around and found the trail. Long story short I found his deer down in the bottom of this really nasty steep drainage bedded down and alive.

The kids 1st deer, he is only 18

The kid caught up with to me and we BS?d which is when I found what his long face was all about. The deer got up and we had to go back to tracking. Finally found him barely breathing and the kid slammed another arrow home and put him down. I broke out my stuff and showed him a no gut quarter and de-boned everything on the spot. It was his first deer so I caped it out the head and cut it off for him. I used my game bags and he hauled the meat out as I hauled out his head and hide. I thought I was going to have to end my hunt early as I was running low on water. He came back up the following day with lots of water and coffee for me. I was good to go for another few days. It really felt good to help him out and in turn I was able to hunt a few days more.

He gave me permission to post these pic?s. I still talk to him from time to time and ask him about his hunts.

A + 1 GotBow, nice to know that there are still great people out there willing to help another.

That's what life is all about.

Amen to that one. About two years ago i had taken my 14 year old little brother on his first archery elk hunt, we were in about 3-4 miles and pulled a small 5 point bull elk of a side hill and he smoked him. On the first trip out we hit the trail about half way back to the truck and he was dead tired, suddenly we heard horses coming down the trail, these two guys had the nerve to stop and say that bulls tiny why in the world would you shoot that and continued on empty horses and panyards back to the trail head. Not ever once offering to help us out a bit and i'm not one to ask for help so we lugged ahead. About 1 1/2 hours later we got back to the trailhead just as it was getting dark and there they were dead battery and no cell service 30 miles from the nearest phone. Long story short i jumped there truck and slep in mine and made one more trip with my brother the next day, Still waiting for the good deed to make it around to benefiting me but i don't ever count on it.
Knoxville471, your story reminds me of another one of what comes around goes around. I was doing a pre-scout for elk one year with my kids just outside of Flagstaff. We were gonna camp for the weekend. Well it had just rained pretty hard but I felt things would be okay which wasn?t the case and off the main road about 2 and a half miles I got really good and stuck. I spent a couple hours trying to get out, my kids getting pretty restless and back then I had no cell phone or anyway other than walking to get help. My kids were 9 and 5 at the time so walking really wasn?t much of an option. Well then while I was trying to get some dry grass and sticks under my tires here?s comes a 4 wheel drive truck with wood panels and the truck was filled with fresh cut wood. They had chained up all the way around and were having no trouble at all. They pulled up next to me and I asked them if they could give me a little tug just to get me up on dryer ground and about 25 yards was all I needed. The guy said no and I asked why, I have a chain and everything and it's just a little tug. He asked me and I quote ?do you have anybody in the town?. I said no, I don't know anyone in Flagstaff and he said good luck and left us there. I was in total disbelief! I mean just me by myself would have been one thing but with young kids?come on dude!

So here?s the rest of the story. I hour or so later I finally got out of the hole I was in and made it back to the main road where camped and made the best of it. 3 weeks later I was back in the same area on my elk hunt and camped about ? mile from the hole I got stuck in. Well the first night there it rained like crazy, that whole night and the very next day. While back at camp that evening I heard a truck that was obviously stuck revving the engine and trying to get out going forward and backwards. Well I jumped on my quad which has a winch knowing they were probably stuck pretty bad in that same hole to help them out. Well guess who it was?? The wood cutters in the same truck, stuck in the same hole with a busted tire chain wrapped around their axel. Well now aint this some $hit! So they saw me and asked if I could help get them out and I said no, and I quote??do you have anybody in the town? right then I knew he knew who I was and he knew I wasn?t gonna help. I went back to camp, grabbed my lawn chair and a couple beers and rode my quad back to them. I sat my chair down about 50 yards from them and drank my beer while the worked their tails off with a jack and crawling in the mud and water to get the truck out. It was getting dark and kinda cold (dropped to freezing that night) so I went back to camp and ate. I slept pretty good with the exception of every now and then during the middle of the night I could hear them start the engine to warm up the truck. I got up the next morning and listened to their truck run as I was getting ready to go hunt and was thinking to myself it must have been a long night for them, ha ha ha. When I came back in the middle of the day their truck was gone. Gee, I wonder if they found anybody in the town?? What comes around goes around.

I rubbed aloe vera lotion on 2 sun burnt british gals I stumbled on in death valley one time.....

Did they return the favor CUPSY?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Good for you, glad to hear story's like yours. I always try to help other hunters out. In this day and age people are less then friendly out there.

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